Working between treatments

Hi all. I’m a teacher and I have so far had two operations and I’m waiting to find out if I need chemo or radio next. I have gone back to work until the next treatment. 1 day at work and I’m already home crying. How am I going to cope with this workload on top of the anxiety and worry? I can’t afford to stay off work. If I have to have chemo I need to be on full pay as long as possible so I need to be back. I get 6 months full pay but I know chemo and radio could take me longer. I doubt I’ll be eligible for any financial benefits but that doesn’t mean I am not going to struggle.
How long were you off and how did you manage financially? Am I looking at a year or more?

Thank you


Hope this helps…

I live in Scotland and receive Adult Disability Payment…not sure if it’s called the same in the rest of the UK…It’s not means tested.
I received £400 this month and payments will continue until 2026 when I reapply. I also receive a Disability Blue Parking Badge.
Apply as soon as possible as I only applied last month and lost 4 month’s payments as you only receive payments from date of application
Hope this helps

Wishing you the best going forward x

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Thank you @jmg. I am not able to get anything as I’m still on full pay but when my pay drops I can definitely look at this.

Hope you’re doing well with your treatment. It’s so stressful worrying about my actual job, money and the cancer treatment. X

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Personal independence payment (PIP), adult disability payment, disability living allowance (DLA) and attendance allowance are payable whether or not you are working. They are not means tested, so earnings do not affect the amount of your benefit.

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Hi there…i was off for 9 months ( im nhs)…i ended up getting paid for 7 months full …then took 7 weeks holiday …so it evened out really…i also got disability benefit ehilsy on chemo…im england …so it was PIP …mavmillan support worker helped do my form …i went sick the day of surgery …started chemo 5 weeks later…22 weeks of chemo…a month gap…then 16 days of rads …i went back to work the week after rads …i couldnt have done it if i had had to go to pffice…as the rads fatigue hit me worse for about 2 months…but i had a 2 month phased return and was home based for 6 months …i couldnt have worked during chemo…i had to have dressing changed and bloods every monday ( about an hour appiintment) …then a 4 hour appointment for chemo every tuesday …then factor in travel to my cancer hospital…then i got an ectopic jeartbeat from the chemo…got a bloodclot from the picc line and and then chemo induced neuropathy …but no nausea or fatigue from chemo…but others sail thru it so you just never know …hope it all works out for you…and just pace yourself …take good care

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I still get pip now …its not means tested …you can earn your full wage and be eligible

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Thanks @jmg and @cat15. I didn’t know tha PiP was for anyone,not just low incomes. I will look into that for when pay decreases. Much appreciated advice x

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You don’t need to wait until your pay decreases… You’re entitled to apply now. X

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Hello, I am a teacher too. When I was diagnosed I was an Assistant Headteacher and a Head of Department of a core subject. I could not cope with going back to work. My son was only 5 year old son at the time and I could not stop crying as I was so scared about leaving him. I was a complete mess.

My breast nurse was great and when I told her I was worried about work, she said to me that I was in a fight for my life now and that has to take priority over everything else. I had to focus on getting better or else I would be useless to everyone.

My breast nurse also arranged for me to see the hospital psychologist, which really helped. I also got some holistic treatment too.

I got some benefits once my pay ran out but by that stage I had finished my chemo and had had a mastectomy. I was still on Herceptin injections every three weeks.

I returned to the school I had been in for 21 years but struggled. I did not feel the new Head was supportive or understanding so I resigned. I think I needed a fresh start. I was approached my a number of schools and am now working part time as a main scale teacher. I suppose going through this changes your perspective and what is important. Yes, as a family, we have struggled financially for the last year and a half but I know that I can build it back up. I am going back full time in Sept. You just leave to your means and adjust accordingly. We could not afford what we could before (and I know I am lucky my husband is in a good job) but what choice did we have? Your mental and physical health is more important.

One more thing, Macmillan was great for advice about benefits and work rights and just to have a cry.

Good luck and if I can help in any way, send me a message. Xxx


Hi, I don’t know if it’s relevant for you but if you have critical illness insurance you may be able to make a claim. It’s there to help financially & often pays out for cancer diagnosis. Good luck with the rest of your treatments. Sorry you’re going through it. Xx

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I would apply for PIP now as it can take a while for it to be agreed. It’s not means tested and as someone diagnosed with cancer your are ‘disabled’ under the Equality Act.

It’s quite a long winded form, I managed to do it on my own. I started before the chemo and finished within a few weeks of treatment so I could add new symptoms and problems. If you have chemo you can phone and add any new symptoms and problems that impact your daily life.

I didn’t get anything for PIP mobility or eligible for a blue badge. My local council appear very strict and you need quite a few points from PIP mobility. With PIP if you can walk more then 200 metres you aren’t eligible the mobility part. Ironically as part of chemo they want you to walk for at least 30 minutes a day and 200 metres isn’t really that far.


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Thanks @Mich1329. I did claim my critical illness. Used it to pay off lots of things and reduce my outgoings. Still have a chunk left. X

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Thanks @NickyC75. I’m an assistant head too but I akso have a primary class full time. I have been in this week. It’s been hard but ok. I know in a week’s time when I find out whether I need chemo, I might need to think about the long term work plan. I am fine on full pay but dropping to half will be just about manageable. If i need longer, I don’t know how we’d cope. I have spoken to union but will also speak to macmillan. I am considering reducing my hours or my role in coming years. So difficult as it’s duch an emotionally demanding job. Thanks for your reply. Hope you’re doing okay now. It really helps to hear from others x

Hi @naughty_boob. I don’t think I could get pip as I’m not having any difficulties with the things on the list like dressing or cooking, but I will take a look and bear it in mind for if chemo changes things. Sounds promising. X

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Bless you and welcome to the forum! I too struggled with time off , full pay and working between lumpectomies and treatment.!I would like to think that you have people there to support and understand you🤞🏻 . When we’re faced with all of these things it is overwhelming and hard to see the end. Navigating all of the ifs buts maybes etc is a crystal ball exercise. So I went on a day by day basis . Stay focussed ,be strong and listen to yourself. As teachers we are always focussed on what we do, the difference we make and the children we teach. In all of that , however selfish it sounds , is you! You need to think of you and , for once, your needs.


Thanks @Shoo. I will try hard to keep working until i need to stop. Hoping I won’t need chemo and then the work and pay issue becomes less of a worry. I love my job but you are quite right… I must look after number one! Hope you are well now x

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Check if you are eligible for ESA national insurance element you can claim it when you go on half pay. I am being paid it in Scotland. You require to have paid NI for 2 years. Hope this helps. Good luck with your treatment xx



Check Working with Cancer website. They are really good in advising you about work related issues and you also can get coaching through Access to Work grant.

McMillan are also very good and they’ve got lots of legal advice/help…

You can also work part time and claim ESA it depends how many hours of course and what is your hourly rate but it’s another possibility…

Worth exploring different avenues…

Wishing you the best of luck and take care. Xxx


Thanks for the info @mun4o and @Lizzie93. I will look into ESA and vidit the working with cancer site. Hope you are both wrll x

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You are eligible to claim PIP now. Don’t wait. it can take up to 12 weeks for the decision to be made. You’ll get a nice lump sum of backdated payment due to you. Stick in the bank until you need it … as you will xx

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