hi im unsure if im allowed to put this but how many of you have seen the news today cutting working tax credit and making us work more hrs im gona loose loads cos of the new rules we have worked for yrs paid tax and ni then cos of cancer we get esa but the wrong type we loose loads makes me so angry
I had a letter saying our child element was ending as we had earnt over £26000. I think not. Any way I thought it was £50000ish we could earn.
This is the new rules that will apply in April 2012,
Child Tax Credit payments depend on your circumstances and income.
At the moment, you can usually get some Child Tax Credit, as long as your income is not over the limit of £41,300. From 6 April 2012, this limit will be lower for most people.
From 6 April 2012, the income limit for you will depend on your own situation. But as a very rough guide, you might not be able to get Child Tax Credit from 6 April 2012 if:
you have one child, and your annual income is more than around £26,000
you have two children, and your annual income is more than around £32,200.
If you have a disability you may still qualify if you earn a higher amount.
Worrying times x
Hi I’m fuming really they told me because I’m getting ESA contribution based they class that as household income so I’m gona loose more money all because I’ve got cancer and am now unable to go back to work so I’ve worked and pd tax and ni for what sod all makes me so angry what about all the plp that are now working 16hrs but now need to work 24 if the job can’t give u more hrs what are they meant to do its a joke
I know its difficult particulary at this time but I work 37 hours a week live on my own and only earn £12,500 and I can not claim anything
Its even difficult to pay the cost of travelling to hospital
Kell are you sure you can’t get help, sounds like a low income to me or at least borderline? Read this macmillan.org.uk/Cancerinformation/Livingwithandaftercancer/Financialissues/Benefitsandfinancialhelp/Help_with_travel_and_parking/Fares_to_hospital_for_treatment.aspx and then get a Macmillan adviser on board, maybe call their helpline. Good luck
ps sorry, that’s the page about help with travel to hospital costs, low income scheme is here. macmillan.org.uk/Cancerinformation/Livingwithandaftercancer/Financialissues/Benefitsandfinancialhelp/Help_with_health_costs/Low_income_scheme.aspx
Are you sure you cant claim working tax credits on that wage I thought the upper limit was £14000 worth a call to them they can only say no.
I think if your single and have no children then you can’t claim but if you have children you would be able to claim but worth a call on go on the website and use the calculator laura
Thanks for the info but I have already tried only thing I get is free prescriptions