worried about cancer in my family

hi all, dont know quite how to put this down but here goes, this past year 3 in my family have been diagnosed with cancer me with breast cancer my aunt with liver cancer and my 36 yr old cousin who had cancer everywhere spine ,stomach everywhere he was given 3 mths to live an sadly died this monday he went so quickly leaving 2 wee girls behind an a devastated family, now this is making me wonder if i sholud ask my onc more searching questions as in genetics im waiting to see if i have the brca 1and 2 gene but it takes time having to go down to plymouth this monday coming for funeral and i dont know if im gonna be able to keep my chin up ,gotta try for familys sake sad sad time…caroleann

Hi Caroleann

So sorry to hear of your families loss - you are going through a tough time just now. If you are waiting to find out if you have the gene - does that mean you have been seen by genetics already - if you have - they usually look into family history anyway??

I have been referred to genetics and have to take info re rest of family. I have no familiy history of bc but the pathologist saw something in my tumour when it was removed which makes him strongly believe I am going to be a carrier.

Take care of yourself
Sending cyber hugs

hi fiona, yes ive been to the genetics actually got a letter this morning saying they needed another 3rd blood sample as my dna had a low yield whatever that means so gotta make another app did the family profile for them they seem to think its carried down thru the female line on my maternal grannys side cyber hugs back fiona …caroleann

Hi Caroleann

My heart goes out to you as you are going through such a sad time with your family. Can’t do anything to take your pain away except to tell you that I care.

Seren X

Hi Caroloeann

I don’t know if you’ve had a look at BCC’s publication on Familial Breast Cancer, but below I’ve posted the link for you. You can either download a copy or order one on line. Hope this helps.


Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator