Hello, I am 34 years old, was diagnosed with grade 2 ER+, HER2- IDC in December. Two tumours were removed during surgery of 27mm and 16mm and my lymph nodes were all negative.
Oncotype score came back as 22 so I was told I would need chemo, even though previously it was indicated to me that this was unlikely (grade 2, not as aggressive, “slow growing”).
They’ve offered me a choice of chemo of either TC (12 weeks) or EC-T (20 weeks). I’m inclined to go with the less intensive regime of TC to avoid the toxicity of EC-T and its effects on the heart, though they didn’t really explain the pros and cons. It didn’t sound like there was much evidence in favour of EC-T but was all pretty unclear.
I’m feeling really depressed about the side effects of chemo and possibility of menopause. They’ll give me zoladex to protect my ovaries during chemo but the onco suddenly mentioned that I’d continue getting zoladex injections after chemo had finished as well. In her letter on my chart it mentions hormone therapy would be ovarian suppression with letrozole. This has never been mentioned to me as a possibility! All along I’ve been told I would be receiving tamoxifen, the nurse has even provided me with leaflets about this, so this is complete news to me and was not explained at the appointment.
I’m really upset, this sounds like a much harsher type of hormone therapy. How can I have the menopause at my age? I don’t think the doctors understand how upsetting that is for me. It’s not just the issue about having children (I have frozen my eggs), it’s also about how it’s going to affect intimacy. I think sex is such an important part of life and relationships and I feel like my whole sense of identity is being taken away from me.
All the treatments are presented as good thing but they come with life altering side effects! I know I’m being irrational because I have cancer but I felt totally healthy and fit before this. Now my life has changed completely and I’m going to be on so much medication which will make me feel unwell