worried about mets to ovaries

Hi there

I am currently undergoing investigations following an abnormal smear test result (glandular neoplasia).I have undergone a hysteroscopy,D & C and am due to have an internal vaginal ultrasound in the next week.

I have been experiencing severe pelvic pain and I feel bloated all the time.My tumour marker has also been increasing considerably.As you can imagine I’m worried sick and would like to know if anyone has heard of cancer spread to the ovaries from the breast.The gynaecologist was honest with me and said potentially mets can appear anywhere in the body.

I get the results of the biopsies on the 10th October and I’m so anxious with the wait.I know it’s only natural but my mind is just so full of “what ifs”.

I would really appreciate any help or support.


Tracy (Celestial)

Hi Tracy

Sorry you are going through this. Have you already been diagnosed with secondaries anywhere else? Are you currently on any treatment, tamoxifen for example can cause irregularities in the reproductive organs.

I haven’t been diagnosed with anything (other than primary BC), but I am having some tests at the moment as I am experiencing some pelvic discomfort, particularly on one side. I have finished the most part of my treatment and am “just” on tamoxifen at the moment. I have had a pelvic ultrasound (internal and external) and am waiting for an appointment for a hysteroscopy. Can I ask you what that was like? I was a bit alarmed that the doctor offered to do it under general anaesthetic! She then said it was just like a smear test (but obviously a little more extreme!) so I wondered why they would offer a general anaesthetic as I’m sure they don’t give those out lightly!

Anyway I just wanted to say that you are not alone and I hope very much that all these tests just rule stuff out rather than diagnosing anything scary. Everybody always says the waiting is the worst part - it is a shame you have to wait until Oct but I would hope that if it was anything serious they would get back to you sooner, so try and put it out of your mind (impossible I know) until then.

Sorry I don’t know if this is any help! But I have never heard of BC spreading to ovaries, and none of the doctors I have seen have suggested this is something they would be worried about or looking for in the tests they are doing on me. Of course everyone is different and you must listen to your own doctors but my advice would be try not to worry about it until you have to, and you might never have to!

Very best wishes to you and I hope very much that things turn out fine for you. I am sure you could always give the helpline here a ring in the meantime while you are waiting for your results. Much love xxxxxx

There is a lady on here with an ovary met. Think it may be Belinda.

hi Tracy

Sorry to hear that you have had to go through some unpleasant tests and now have to wait for results which is possibly even worse.

Sallieannie was correct in saying that Tamoxifen causes ovarian cysts. I had quite considerable pelvic pain a couple of years ago. I was referred to a gynaecologist straightaway and after ultrasounds and a physical examination, I was found to have quite large cysts on my ovaries. I opted to have an oopherectomy and the cysts were found to be benign fortunately. The gynaecologist said that he believed that these were a result of my having taking Tamoxifen for a while.

I have heard of ovarian secondaries, but in all my years on these forums have only heard of a couple of people, so although it is a possibility, I am not sure of how likely it is.

I hope your wait is not do stressful and hope that you have a positive outcome.

Let us know how you get on xx

Yes it’s me with the ovarian met. I had no symptoms and my markers had only risen a few points. I was shocked to find my bc had metastasized there. I’d been living very well with bc and bone mets for over 7 years at the time. My understanding is BC to the ovaries is not an unusual place for lobular bc to spread but mine’s not lobular. My ovarian met has been managed well with my ongoing treatment for over a year now and is half the size it was at diagnosis. And I still have no symptoms from it.
Good Luck, hope all will be well…x

Hi girls

Thanks so much for your replies,it makes such a difference when you hear from others in a similar position and makes you feel less isolated.

Basically I was diagnosed with secondaries 4 years ago following a 9 year remission period.I had a mastectomy,FEC chemo and radiotherapy following primary dx aged 31.I was given Tamoxifen but sadly after trying to tolerate the side effects for 3 months I decided to come off it with the agreement of my onc (tried a reduced dose but to no avail).

Fast forward 9 years with no treatment (only annual check-ups) and I started with a bad cough that didn’t go away.I had a chest x-ray and they found fluid in the lining of my lung.This was treated with Taxol chemo but despite the treatment the cancer spread to my spine in 4 vertebrae,a lymph node in my chest which is now 5cm,my liver and now one of my hips.

My treatment has mainly consisted of Zoladex monthly to put me in a menopause and then combined with firstly Arimidex (gave me lots of joint pain)Tried Exemestane but cancer still spreading so was tried on Faslodex injections and unfortunately developed a blood clot in my lung so I am currently on Zoladex and Letrozole (Femara).

I also take Bondronat tablets for bones (eqivalent of Zoledronic acid by iv).I took Tamoxifen briefy in 2008 for 7 months.

I really don’t know what to think about the possibility of ovary mets and I think until I get the results on the 10th October for the biopsy samples (womb lining and cervix) and have undergone the internal ultrasound to look at the ovaries I think I have to think calmly (it’s going to be hard) and deal with the results as and when I’m told them.

Thanks again,I really appreciate you being so open with me and sharing your experiences.

Love Celestial (Tracy)

Hi Tracy, do private message me anytime if you think it may be helpful.

Hi there

Well I got my results on Monday and sadly it’s bad news,i’ve got secondary spread of my breast cancer to my cervix.I’ve been told this is quite unusual and for one I’ve never heard of it.

My oncologist has suggested a combination of Taxol and Carboplatin on a weekly basis.Has anyone any experience of these two drugs together?I had Taxol a few years ago but it didn’t stop the spread of my cancer.

Also I would appreciate any feedback on the latest anti-nausea treatment (I heard recently of a patch that can be worn the day before and for 5 days after chemo but it was in America)?

I’ll keep you updated with my progress

Best wishes to all,

Tracy xxxx

Hi Tracy, I’m sorry to hear your news. I’ve never heard of spread to the cervix either. Have no experience of either chemo but I hope it’s a good, effective combo for you. Take Care…x


Sorry to hear your news - it really is crap!

Sorry no experience of either drug or the nausea relief patches, I just wanted to say that I am sorry you got the news that you did and that I am thinking of you and hope that the drugs start to work asap

Take care xx