Worried about my mum

My mum (65) found a lump in her breast about 5 weeks ago. She went to the GP who referred her to the hospital. Between seeing the GP and the hospital appointment two more lumps appeared, one was in her aprmpit. I went with her on Tuesday to the hospital and she had a mamogram, ultra-sound and a biopsy (three needles!!). The doctor that saw us after the tests had been done told us that the lumps were “suspicious”.
Mum has to go back to the hospital on Thursday to get her results and talk to the surgeon. Mum is worried but quite philosophical about it and calm. I am ok while I am with her but underneath I am tearful and scared. I have read the websites, information, positive and negative stories - nothing helps for long. I don’t know what to do for her or for myself.

Hi Lorraine

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for support for both yourself and your mum, I’m sure your fellow forum users will be along shortly to support you.

If you need someone to talk to in confidence, then please phone the BCC helpline where you can talk to one of the staff about your worries. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm.

Hope this helps, kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Thank you Jo. I appreciate your help. I found some of the other postings comforting yesterday.

Sorry to hear what you and your Mum are going through at the moment, however you have come to the right place for help and information and support. Waiting for results is the absolute worst thing ever,for me I just tried to keep busy and only looked at one stage at a time. Keep posting or get your Mum to sign up too.

Good luck

Sandra x

Thank you Sandra. It was nice of you to reply. I have been reading the information on the site and it’s all very good. I feel I know more about the subject now but until we have the results of mum’s tests on Thursday I can’t tell which bits apply to her.

I can’t contemplate anything happening to her. She is the hub of our small family - the person that everything else revolves around. My brother lost his wife last year (in childbirth - she was 31) and she left him with a baby girl who is now just turned three. My mum has become her mum and her main carer along with my brother. She’s my best friend and mentor. I just want her to be alright.

Sandra, how are you? What stage are you at and how are things for you?
Lorraine x

Well I’ve just got back from the hospital with my mum. the worst has been confirmed and she has cancer - two tumors - one in her breast and one in her armpit. She has had a blood test and an x ray today but has to go back tomorrow for a bone scan and again on Monday for a liver ultrasound. If these tests prove ok and the cancer hasn’t spread elsewhere then she will have a mastectomy on May 6th.

Hi Lorraine - Im really sorry to hear that your mum has had bad news, and sorry for you too.
I am sure there will be many many people on here who will offer you all the support and listening ears that you may need in the coming weeks and months - not sure if your mum uses a pc but if she does then perhaps she herself would find the forum a good source of support. I dont know what else I personally can say to you at the moment, other than to send my best wishes to you and your mum, and I hope she get her treatment plan sorted soon.
I myself am still waiting for test results so have no diagnosis yet and I have found this forum to be a godsend.

Take good care
Sue xx

Thank you for replying to me Sue and thank you for your kind wishes and words. I hope your results will be with you soon. Waiting all last week was horrible but now we know we can at least face up to reality instead of the “is it, isn’t it” emotional roller-coaster.

Good luck. Post again and let me know how you get on. xx

lorraine - sorry to hear your mum’s news… alot of us say in a strange way the waiting to hear whether or not you have cancer is one of the worst bits - as once it is confirmed you can start treatment and feel that you are doing something to get rid of it…
It sounds like your family have had a tough couple of years :frowning: But it sounds like you are a closeknit family and will be there to support each other through all this…

Take care and i hope all your mum’s test results come back clear…
