Hi all,
Was diagnoised March 09 with grade 3 HER2 positive & had MX followed by chemo,rads & now have 3 lots of Herceptin left, also on Tamoxifen.
Have not really had any aches or pain up until now & have aching hip bones & pain in opposite shoulder.
Am really worried that its come back even though blood test results are normal.
How do you know whether it has come back? Do you think i should get checked out & if so whom do i go to in the 1st place? Doctor, breast care nurese or Oncologist?
Just so scared about going to see about it, cause i don’t want to be told its come back.
Hi Suz
If you’re worried get it checked out - thats what my team have told me. If the pain has been there for more than a week to put your mind at rest ask someone.If you have access to your BCN give her a ring and explain and she will point you in the right direction.
After a BC DX we all worry and hopefully it will turn out to be nothing but you really should find out
Take Care
Hi Suz
Please do go and get it checked out! I left my pains for a couple of months (put it down to aching joints due to Aromasin) and really wished I’d gone earlier as I have bone mets in a few different places!
I hope that I’m not scaring you in any way, there are probably more simple explanations than sinister ones, but please go, to put your mind at ease. I went to my GP because she’s good, but you might get things speeded up by going through your BC nurse.
Take care and hope that you get some scans soon to ease your worries!
Nicky xx
Hi Suz, haven’t heard from you for ages and sorry its cos you have this worry. When I had my pain it was excrutiating and my BCN at the N&N spoke to my Onc who arranged for the bone scan and CT scan. Have you got any appts with the onc due?? I am worried about my shoulder now so have an appt in June for another scan so the onc has the results for a routine appt in July - give them a call, it may be nothing as the tamox causes lots of aches and pains, but if you are anything like me I would rather know than keep worrying over what may be nothing. I hope everything else is going ok for you - has your hair come back ? I will never forget that pampering session with you when I took my wig off in public for the first (and last) time ever - seems so long ago now. Let me know how you get on, if I can answer any other queries just PM me and I will do my best to help - I dont really notice the bone mets and only take a daily tablet so altho scary i dont really think about them too much. Take care Suz and fingers x’d for you Debbie xx
Hi Suz,
I was diagnosed in July o7, had WLE, full clearance, 8 chemo , rads and now on tamoxifen. I have hip, knee, ankle and shoulder pain, and was very worried, my blood tests were fine too, so they sent me for a bone scan. All fine other than normal wear and tear, 48 year old age related deterioation… Lovely description but I happy cos no cancer. Get it checked out but all the hormone treatments can cause those symptoms. Don’t just assume though , hope yours turns out like mine.
Take care
Thanks everyone for your advice, i’ll get in touch with my bcn & take it from there - since posting i don’t seem to have been in as much discomfort, so hoping its just normal ache’s & pains from being on Tamoxifen - but will get checked out to put my mind at rest.
Debbie - hope you geton okay when you go in June - think it will now be a ongoing worry, but have to try & be strong & just hope for the best. Loving your hair - mines grow loads & its curly too which is so annoying - gonna try & grow it into a bob but will see how far i get b4 i get totally fed up with it! Seems such a long time since our pampering day & we’ve come such a long way - when you look back its quite scarey to think what we went through, but great knowing things are hopefully now on the up.
take care xx
Hi, dont want to scare you but yes get it checked out as soon as you can. Its only a year since your first diagnosis so you should be ok but always best to get checked.
I had the whole shebang with treatments then 4 years after first diagnosis I found out I had secondaries in the liver, spine, hips, and lung…
The symptoms I had were tired, little appetite so lost about a stone, painful hips, and shoulder pain on and off. After a few months of seeing my GP and several blood tests, I was referred back to the hospital for scans and then I found out what was wrong.
The shoulder pain was a big clue apparently. If you look up liver cancer symptoms on the internet it will tell you pain/discomfort in the right shoulder which is caused by your liver swelling and pressing on a nerve in your spine.
I truly hope I am not scaring you with this information, but I suffered with the sore shoulder for months and never in a million years would I have associated that with liver cancer. My blood tests were coming back practically normal though the liver function was very slightly lower than normal.
I just wanted to put this shoulder thing out there so that anyone with a sore shoulder will get it checked asap, as I said you wouldn’t think shoulder pain might equal liver cancer.
Best wishes to you and I hope everything is well.
Oh blimey, I have a sore right shoulder! CT scan on 21st so wont have to wait too long to find out. Gonna cross everything !
Oh Debbie, that last posting has really worried me now!!
Hopefully it will all be okay for you asswell as me.
I spoke to the BCN & she said its probably nothing but said to contact docs. Saw doc on Tuesday & he referred me for a x-ray & bone scan. Got home from work today to find have appointment for bonescan on Tuesday so pleased that its quite quick.
From what i remember last time, think the results came through within a week so hopefully will know soon.
My hips do hurt sometimes, but have thought this was cos of walking too much & doing too much aerobics - i just hope that is the case & nothing more sinster.
Has anyone else had pain in there shoulder?
Suz x
Hi Suz, we do let our imaginations work overtime but its not surprising eh? Going to try not too worry til I have the results - what’s the point eh? Please let me know how you get on and I’ll do the same - here comes those positive vibes !!! {{{{{}}}}}}} xDebx
Yeah will let you know how i get on when i know Debs.
Positive happy :)))))) smiley thoughts!! Gonna have a glass of wine now cos whats the point of worrying about something that might well be & hopefully is nothing! Will do the worrying when we’ve got something to worry about!
Suz xxxx
Had my bone scan’s & x-rays on Tuesday - just got to wait for results from doctor.
Please let them come back all clear. So scared that they might not be.
Hi Suz
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that it is good news. I bet you never thought that you would be wishing for arthritis or osteoporosis
If it’s any help to ease your worry my GP phoned me on the Monday lunchtime (after having the scan last thing on the Friday afternoon) to tell me the bad news! The radiographers had sent her the info straight away. So if you are having to wait a while it might be a case of ‘no news is good news!’
Take care
Nicky xx
Hi Suz
Hope results are “good”. I feel though that it is so frustrating when you have pain but tests are all normal. Not that I want to have the cancer come back, but if the pain had a label, I could cope. My pain is in my ribs and absolutely floors me if I cough or sneeze. I am a year on from mastectomy and rads and now on Tamoxifen so I don’t know whether it could have come back so soon. I contacted my bcn who referred me to Consultant as urgent. He ordered urgent bone scan, x-ray and bloods after seeing me which I had yesterday (Wednesday). Today I am relieved that I have had no news as I expect the scans have been read. I hope it is OK but if so what is this pain?
So I am in a similar situation, so please keep us posted on your results and what is recommended for your pain. Take care.
Love Finn
Hi girls, will keep checking back on here and keeping everything crossed for good results for you both. I might have said this before but if it is bad news please dont panic - I am now getting on with my life with the bone mets and feel quite normal and looking forward to the future with my young son - Suz PM if you need a chat and I’ll give you my number xx
I am new to this site and to bc, so i dont know if i am doing the right thing in posting this.
I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis - this gives me pain in my knees wrists, neck shoulders ant has done for my years.
Arthritis normally affects joints symetrially, ie both wrist or both ankles, and it normally starting in the fingers or toes. But this is not always the cases… i have major probs walking on my left knee… and my hips have been aching for years…
This i know is RA… But i even worring is the cancer not my normal.
Gud look to you and i will hope for the best results for you.
Hi All.
I haven’t posted for a while but i’m so glad i found this post. I’ve been having on and off shoulder pain on my left side but it only hurts when i sleep on it. I did go to the docs 6 months ago and had an xray and was told it was nerve damage as its the bad side. Anyhow the pain is still there and i have a burning sensation in my lower back on the right side but not near the hip - quite close to the bottom of the spine i suppose. again this comes and goes and isn’t constant
I’ve got an appointment tomorrow and am really worried about shoulder, and hip and also along my neck om the left side i get a weird pain too a bit like a nerve/pulling pain.
Its so hard living with this horrid disease as every ache and pain is magnifed and i feel really worried about going to the hospital tomorrow i’m scared what if what if what if?
Please comment
Hello Sukes, you are doing the right thing getting it checked as it really could be caused by a number of things. I wasnt so lucky and do have bone mets (Secondaries) in 5 “hot spots” but I must say the pain was really severe (especially in ribs and back and down one leg). I had a CT scan this week as my shoulder pain was worrying me and I sometimes can hear a faint whistle if I laugh etc so now worried about lung mets. Results in a couple of weeks so not too long to wait. Really hope you get good outcome, take care Debbie x
Hi all,
I got my results back from my bone scan, chest & shoulder xray & blooed test & they are all fine!
Am so relieved that my pain is not due to anything sinister, so now have to find out whats causing my discomfort.
Going to speak to my Oncologist next week as don’t know whether the rib pain is due to radiotherapy, even though that was last Oct, also whether tamoxifen can cause joint pain.
Did wonder as well, whether due to not having any estrogen in my body anymore whether this might be why my hips & bones ache? Will post again when i find out!
Thanks to everyone for there kind wishes.
Finn & Sukes, how did you get on with your appointment? Hope you’re both okay ?
Debs, hope you’re ok too & managing your bone mets as best & as well as you can.
Just a quickie to say I saw Onc today and CT scan and blood tests were all clear, so excellent news! Thats me relaxed for the next 3 months! Love to all x