worried again - thickening

Hi everyone
Well, I posted a while ago about a sore lump. I was referred to the breast care nurse. I’d convinced myself that it was a cyst, would be drained and that would be that!
However, the nurse said she couldn’t feel a distinct lump, but an area of thickening (same breast but different place to where the sore lump was). So she did an FNA and sent me to the mammogram suite. I had the mammogram about an hour later and was then asked to wait and have an ultrasound. The doctor who did the ultra sound said that there was an area of thickening as well and that the breast tissue seemed a different texture in this one place. She said depending on the results from the FNA I may have to come back in and have a biopsy.
My results should come sometime in the next few days, but I’m really worried now as it isn’t a cyst after all.
I was wondering if anyone else has had a thickening investigated rather than a distinct lump?
Thanks for listening. Take care x

Hi Comenius, I’m afraid that I had a piece of thick tissue which turned out to be BC,so it is really good that you are having it investigated, even though waiting for the results is sooooo horrible! And we are all different, so yours may turn out to be absolutely nothing. I’m thinking of you and sending you hugs. Let us know what happens.
love, Mo

Hi there

Cancer can present as a thickening particularly lobular cancer. I had no lump but a large area of thickening.

It may of course be something benign in your case and I certainly hope so. It is a terrible and worrying time waiting for results. As Mo says please let us know and we’ll keep things crossed that it’s nothing to worry about.

Elinda x

Thanks for your replies Mo and Elinda.
You’re right the waiting is awful. At least if I knew one way or the other I could move on and start to deal with it. At the moment I feel as if I’m in limbo.
Hopefully I should find out this week, I had all the tests last Tuesday and was told it took about a week for the results.
Take care x

All the best Comenius, still rooting for you. Mo x

Sorry to hear of you worries. I had a thickening in my left breast in 2001 which turned out to be fibrodenoma -nothing to worry about, but I did find a definate lump in my right side which turned out to be BC.The surgeon said there was no connection at all. I hope you get good news soon
Thinking of you

Thanks x
Still no results though. Maybe they’ll be there tomorrow!
Take care

Just got back from work and there was a message from the hospital on the answer machine. Not enough cells were collected from the FNA to draw any conclusions and the ultrasound was unclear because I’d just had the FNA!! So I’ve got to go back in a few weeks for another ultrasound! So, more waiting, I’m trying to stay positive though, if they were at all concerned surely they would have had me back in straight away?!?.
Take care x

Hi Comenius, what a pain that you have more waiting. I can’t really say about whether they’d have you back more quickly if they were concerned, but I do know that for myself, when they were concerned everything was done very quickly (twice, once on original diagnosis and again with a local recurrence). Hope all goes well for you, fingers crossed! Mo x

How frustrating for you! I’m not at all sure I’d be happy to wait weeks though. I’d give them a ring and see why the wait and try to get things speeded up. It’s such a worrying time and you’ve been through all that waiting once already.

Please let us know how you get on.
Elinda x

Thanks Moser and Elinda - I’m going to ring tomorrow (I was home too late to do it on Friday) and find out exactly what happens next. I don’t know if I need to make an appointment or if they will be sending me a letter with the appointment on. I’m also not sure what a few weeks means!!! I guess its until my breast heals from the FNA because its still very bruised.
Take care x

Well, just got the appointment through for my repeat ultrasound - July 8th. I feel a bit better now that I’ve got my appointment.
Take care x

I’m glad you’ve got a date. I suppose if the area was bruised etc there was no point in doing anything sooner. I do remember how bruised I was after tests.
I hope all this goes well for you.
Elinda x

I’ve just got back from 2nd ultra sound. There i still ‘something’ there, its about 8mm. So they took 2 biopsies and I should get the results on Friday. Hopefully I’ll have some answers soon!
Thanks for your support
Take care xx