Worried again

Hi All

Not been on here for ages. I finished active treatment in Sept 2010 and currently just on Tamoxifen. Just had a check up today with my breast surgeon which included a mammogram. Prior to the mammogram he examined me and was concerned about a lumpy area around the orignal scar. I also shot through the roof when he touched an area around my ribs. He decided at this point to request an ultrasound as well as the mammogram. Results came back inconclusive and so he did a fine needle biopsy and arranged a bone scan for tomorrow!!

So all in all what I thought would be routine ended up a 3 hour trip!

I keep telling myself it is nothing but just can’t stop worrying.

I suppose I just need some reassurance.

Viv xx

Hi Viv
sorry you are worried again. I finished treatment a couple of weeks before you and i had to have US, fna and core biopsy at the end of last year but it turned out to be fat necrosis. I hope your results show that sort of thing.Hope this helps

D x

Thanks you for replying. Just back from bone scan and so now the waiting begins.

Viv x

Hi Viv,

Just to send my good wishes. Hope you get your results quickly!
Carolyn xx