Worried and maybe overreacting

I have had pain in my boobs for a few weeks it is getting stronger and doesn’t make a difference if I am wearing a bra or not. The pain is mainly on the left hand side and spreading around my side under my armpit . I can’t feel any lumps I don’t think, but they feel quite warm and at times similar symptoms to the onset of mastitis. In addition my left one has dropped slightly. I have made a GP appointment for Friday but I can’t help shake this worried feeling. My brother had testicular cancer and not sure if that increases my chances of developing cancer.

Glad you made the appointment with you GP, best to get it checked out. You don’t say how old you are but it could be hormonal. Still, you know your body and if this is something new, make sure you tell your GP your worries. I haven’t heard of a link between testicular cancer and breast cancer but I’m obviously not an expert.


Good luck for Friday, let us know how you get on.


Amanda x

Thank you Amanda, I am 27 with 1 child. Never had symptoms like this before. I just need someone to talk to as don’t want to verbalise it if I am just overreacting but loosing sleep over it and the pain is disturbing my sleep too.

Well at you young age, it could be hormones but you’re doing the right thing by getting it checked out. You’re bound to worry, you really can’t help that but do try to steer away from looking up too much on Google, stick to this site, Macmillan or Cancer Research. Your mind will be working overtime about what it might be and it will probably turn out to be nothing after all. 


Late te nights and early mornings can help with the sleep, I find once I have got to sleep and had a few hours, I will wake up and then start thinking and then can’t get back to sleep, but by cutting back on my sleep a bit, that I have mainly managed to sleep fairly well.


Talk to a trusted friend or family member if you can. It can be very scary at this time, even though it will probably be nothing to worry about.


I an due to be in hospital on Friday, but I will be looking in over the weekend to see how you got on at your appointment with the GP.


Big hugs!


Amanda x