Worried and waiting for appointment only 24

Yes will keep you updated shopaholic and you keep me updated. Praying for postive outcome for both of us xxx

I will do hunbun … I’m a little scared now tbh … I’ve to go to clinic on my own on Wednesday as no one can come with me :frowning: … Feel sick

Is there no one who can go with you at all shopaholic? My brother is coming with me as my partner needs to fetch ou4 little girl from school. Try and find someone to go with you. I am the same been really scared dreading tomorrow been having really bad backs also im not sure if its stress but im worrying and thinkin the c word :frowning:

Nope no one will come unfortunately :frowning: I don’t have a partner or anything … I’ve lots of family but there all too busy :frowning:

Oh no shopaholic just try and keep busy untill Wednesday and take a book and some magazines although you probably wont feel like reading. I will be thinking of you x

Thanks hunbun , I will do , I’ll keep an eye out for a post from you Tomor … Hopefully you’ll have good news for us xxxx

Hi everyone.
Just an update with good news had my ultrasound seen the consultant my lump is just a fatty lump . So relieved.

Sending postive thoughts and hope for everyone going through the wait and not knowing and also all the brave people all fighting the nasty disease.

I am so glad I found this forum as it has kept me going!
Lots of hugs xxx

Ahh Hun bun I’m soo happy for you … Did you just need the ultrasound then no biopsy ? So happy for you xx

No biopsy as I saw the consultant and he said that he didnt think it was anything at all and just a fat build up but said would do ultrasound anyway. Had ultrasound and she showed me the lump and said its totally normal just a build up of fat as apparently as you get older your breast tissue gets less and fat gets more so its fine (sigh of relief!) Fingers crossed for you for wedsnesday shopaholic x

That’s brill delighted for you xx

Thanks shopaholic it was a relief to hear that after worrying about it since june!! Got everything crossed for you for wednesday and please keep me updated xx

Glad it was good news :smileyhappy:

Thanks angel79 - relieved :slight_smile:

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