Worried, anyone help???


Was diagnosed on the 19th Dec grade 3 Invasive Ductal, my tumour was 4cm then. It is definatley getting larger. I am to have chemo first then surgery have appointment on fri 13th to find out when chemo starts.

Whats worrying me is that last night I felt that there is a hard wiggly line, its hard to describe, feels like poss a hard vein from where the tumour is in the bottom of my breast coming down out of breast onto my chest. Anyone know what this is? Can tumours have bits like this?

Any advice appreciated

Nic xx

hi there

I dont know anything to stop your fears … just diagnosed on 30/12/11 so am a bit in the dark myself… but I must say people on here are really good and I am sure someone will help you xxxx
Suzie xx

Hi Nic,

If you would like to talk to someone in confidence before your appointment on Friday, then please do give the helpline staff here a ring, they’re here to support you. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Nicz it sounds a bit like mondors disease… This is a benign disorder and makes the vein through the breast go a bit hard and sticks out under the breast or pulls the breast in going through it… It gets better by itself but do get it checked out… I got it after surgery but I guess a tumour could cause it too… Think it’s basically caused by trauma to the vessel.

Good luck on Friday xx

Hi Ladies

Suzie thank you so much for your reply and hope you are coping and not worrying too much, stupid thing to say really at a time like this, if you are anything like me anyway.

Lulu34 thank you. I hope you are right. I had my self convinced that the tumour had grown legs and arms and was breaking out from my breast. I dont even know if this is possible?? But your reply has made me feel better. Fingers crossed it is something caused by the tumour and not the tumour itself. Hope u r well.

Thank you both again

Nicola xx