Hi all
I was diagnosed two months ago with ER+ PR+ HER2- IDC, with a tumour roughly 5x5cms. I’m having chemo before surgery, partly bc they initially diagnosed me as inflammatory breast cancer (but then rediagnosed me as non-Inflammatory) and partly to shrink the tumour.
I’m 2 weeks after my second EC cycle and I’m becoming increasingly worried my tumour isn’t shrinking. I keep reading about all these ladies whose tumours were palpably smaller after just one cycle, and mine looks and feels the same. Sometimes I feel it and think maybe it’s getting softer but then I think I’m kidding myself. I have my next EC in a week, and then have 3 cycles of Docetaxol.
I guess I’m looking for some reassurance or even just tips on how to stop worrying about it! Are there people whose tumour took a while to shrink on chemo? Is there any point me constantly poking at it? Is it true that ER positive cancer is less likely to shrink? My hospital doesn’t do mid-chemo scans but I’m thinking of asking for an ultrasound so at least I have a sense of what is happening.
One complicating factor is that I’m also on Zoladex to suppress my ovaries to try to preserve my fertility. Given my HR positive status, I was hoping this might also be working alongside the tumour to shrink it. Anyone have experience with this?
Thanks for getting to the end of this post!
I don’t think my tumour had started to shrink much when I was at your stage, which was probably why I didn’t have a scan until after starting Taxol. At that point it had shrunk from 21mm to 9 mm but by the time I had surgery I’d had a complete pathological response. I don’t think it occurred to me to poke at it and I certainly wouldn’t if it’s making you worried.
Hi Phet
I was Diagnosed last May 18 with IDC. ER+ PR+ HER-. Oncologist previously diagnosed Inflammatory BC, then re Diagnosed IDC with DCIS. I prodded my tumour, mine was 9cm, it was midline in a line. I could not feel any difference through Chemo, however the oncologist could, notice a difference in size.
I had scans mid chemo, which always showed partial response to chemo, however again clinically onco felt a difference.
I suggest don’t keep prodding it, let the chemo do it’s job, if you have concerns, chat with your BCN.
I had a mastectomy, which removed the rest of whatever was left behind.
Take care of yourself.
Hello Phet7178,
I also had chemo before surgery (as triple positive so different diagnosis to yourself). My treatment was FECT (3 of each). I had mammo and ultrasound midway (to check on the progress) and at the end. You state in your original post that your “hospital does not do midway scans”. If this is the case then perhaps you need to question this as maybe there is a good reason for this in your particular case. However, it would seem very beneficial for you and help to put your mind (and fingers!) at rest.
My understanding is that one of the benefits of chemo beforehand is that it can be ascertained whether chemo is working. A midway check can show whether a tumour is responding or not. If evidence of response then chemo usually continues and if little evidence or no response or evidence of growth then treatment may be stopped and surgery undertaken.
By the way, I did not try and feel for mine during chemo etc.- I had enough in my head to be worrying about!! However the midway scans ( not sure if they were after the 3 FEC or 3 FEC and one T) gave me some reassurance as shrinkage was reported and hence chemo continued. At surgery, it was found that there was a complete pathological response with no active cancer apparent.
Regards to you and I wish you all the best,
Chick x
I was diagnosed with an HER+ and Oestrogen+ Tumour in January, around 4cm. I had one round of docetaxel, herceptin and pertuzamab, and felt I could feel the difference in size after this. However mine is close to the surface so I could find it easily. I then couldn’t have the next chemos due to other complications, but continued to have the targeted therapies. After the 3rd cycle I had the second ultrasound and they found it almost impossible to find the tumour- they guessed at 2x1cm based on where they had placed a titanium clip during biopsy. I don’t prod anymore…
How did your treatment finished?
Ive had 4 cycles of docetaxel.had an ultrasound today.had two lessions that had merged into one.ultrasound found it had divided the two lessons but still 5cm overall. Not shrunk the tumours so dont know what to think about it.my chemo has been tough.having another two cycles next of Epirubicin they have to monitor my heart.im having a mastectomy anyway.chemo sucks