Hello Im so worried that my daughter 24.Has found few lumps under arm and on breast.Been to see her gp this am.He said you just got lumpy breast?.I had breast cancer 2009.I want her to see another gp or am i over reacting? Jane
Fingers crossed it is nothing, but I would always err on the side of caution! xx
I don’t think you are over reacting at all and you are bound to feel anxious. I agree with Mary Grace though it probably just is lumpy breasts but it won’t do any harm to ask to be referred (or ask another GP to refer her if she/he won’t do it) if you both feel anxious. I would always err on the side of caution and put you and your daughters mind at rest.
Yes agree my daughters going give it 2 weeks if the same she going back to ask to be referred.If just put our minds at rest jane x
If it was me i would go back now and say i need peace of mind, we have a history of this and would like a second opinion now. Its your right dont be put off. I saw a junior gp and they tried putting me off for 3 months but i went back and got diagnosed by a senior gp and referred within two weeks. Dont let them put you off you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going back now.
Hello Hatty.I understand what your saying ive rang my bcn who says may be give it 2 weeks see how the lumps are then if still there go back to the gp and ask to be referred. Jane