I’m coming towards the end of my chemo, had 4 lots of Taxol/Gemcitabine and 3 lots of EC, one to go next week.
My eyelashes and eyebrows finally fell out two weeks ago but they started growing back just a few days later and my head stubble has put on a growth spurt too.
It sounds stupid but I’m worried that if the chemo isn’t stopping my hair growing back then maybe it isn’t having enough effect on the cancer cells either? I told you it was stupid!
The tumour has almost disappeared btw, but I suppose I just like having something to wory about!
Hi Julie,
Just check with your BCN as some chemos have a low effect on hair loss and others a high effect. I am on a different regime to you - 4 epi’s and 4 CMF’s - I’ve just had the 3rd of my CMF’s. I lost all hair on the epi but with the CMF things are starting to grow - I now have eyelashes (yeaaaah) albeit very short ones, my eyebrows are thickening and my head is is starting to sprout in places - not all over. I was told that the CMF was kinder to hair and could expect it to come back whilst having treatment so yours could be similar to mine.
Hi Julie
I’ve had 5 chemo’s so far, No. 6 this afternoon, and I’ve shaved my head inbetween each one since shaving it all off after first session. My onc did say it would grow back before the end - hope this helps.
Anne x
I had a little bit of regrowth on the head between 4 and 5 FEC but it didn’t hold on long!
Sharon x
My hair started coming back in during rads. I then had Taxotere and was told to expect total loss again, but this didn’t happen. I asked my chemo nurses and they told me not to worry, it didn’t happen with everyone. Had just about every other side effect though!
Hello Julie
I had 3 x FEC and 3 x Taxotere. My hair fell out after my first FEC and then started to grow again - very slowly - just after my second Taxotere. I’ve heard that it’s quite normal for hair regrowth to start while you’re still on chemo. (I knew it was working as I was getting all the other side effects of the Taxotere).
Take care
Love Anthi
Thanks everyone. Glad it seems to be normal. I hope what I’ve got doesn’t fall out again with the last dose!
mine started coming back as fine baby type fuzz on my last epi…and came back with a vengence when i started on the cmf…i had e-cmf. Ive got a fine spiky hedgehog thing going on at the moment…and i have to admit that i can brush it now instead of running my fingers through it with some mousse in the morning lol…its still growing up instead of down which causes serious bed head.