Worried of reoccurrence


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Hello @letsgodothis123

My apologies if I have misremembered but I believe you have asked a very similar question on this forum before.

Unfortunately living with the anxiety and fear of recurrence following a diagnosis is something anyone who has had any form of cancer diagnosis.

There are lots of services that can help you deal with the anxiety, I believe MacMillan offer free counselling and Breast Cancer Now Moving Forward courses are really helpful

Please believe me when I say that just because you think the tumour was only small or your treatment wasn’t as hard as others is absolutely of no consequence when accessing cancer support services

You might like to give one of the nurses a call to discuss how you are feeling

AM xxx


You ask away as many times as you need and I’m sure somebody will give you the reassurance you need. It’s tough and not everyone deals with things as well as others.
We’re all different. Keep going, the bad days get less. Sending you a hug x

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I hope this will give you some reassurance. I was first dx in 2005: invasive lobular cancer with, thankfully, no node involvement, mx and reconstruction. ER+ PR+ so 5 years Tamoxifen. 11 years later I had a recurrence on the same side and it was treated with further surgery, radiotherapy and 10 years Letrozole. Stay vigilant but a recurrence doesn’t automatically mean secondaries. I hope this helps.

Thank you x