Worried Person No More

I had my breast cancer confirmed today to this means that I move from “Have I got Breast Cancer” My lump is 1.3 cm but consultant is not sure whether the swelling I have is hiding something else so I have been referred for a MRI.

Planned Lumpectomy for the 31 October 2008 if anything else shows possible removal of breast.

All sorts of things going round in my head and feeling sick from being frightened.

Don’t know how to tell my children as one of their friends mum died from breast cancer last year.

I know the lump is small but the frightening thing is not knowing if it has spread and the prognosis.

Can you tell me about your experiences to give me the strenght to get through this.


oh dear sorry you had bad news. I was told the same thing before my partial mastectomy i.e. if they found extensive cancer in the edges of what they removed it would be a mastectomy. They didn’t so I didn’t have further surgery. I am OK five years later. I also had a small lump. I loathed treatment but I went back to work after 7 weeks and am still working. I was diagnosed with low grade cancer and DCIS (pre cancerous changes), and no nodes involved. I had partial mastectomy, radiotherapy and five years of tamoxifen, I gave up tamoxifen after 2.5 years as in my case it made little difference to my prognosis and I didn’t like the side effects. It’s more difficult dealing with hot flushes if you need to drive to work as I did 39 miles each way.

I was 48 when diagnosed

Hi there

I did reply on your other thread an hour ago but again so sorry about the result.

I was dx in May (grade 3, 3cms, 3 out of 24 nodes affected), WLE june and now 5 out of 8 chemos under my belt.

If I can do it you can.

Please read the replies on your other thread though.

One day at a time!


Hi Alison

Sorry you have had to join us but you are in the best place for advice and support. I found my lump in Jul, was diagnosed as having cancer hormone +tive in Aug and had the lump removed 2 Sept. I am on Tamoxifen started 2 weeks ago and rads appointment next week 7 October. My lump was 17mm, and I had clear margins and clear nodes, 2 were removed. I made the choice not to have chemo as only made a difference of recurrence of 2% so wasn’t going to put myself through it all. All in all I was so worried and scared as you are bound to be. There are so many different cancers also, everyone is different and not one of the little blighters follows the same pattern!

I can honestly say the lumpectomy was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. I am back at the gym and swimming and horse riding, and its only been one month. I know I am lucky with my recovery but I am not gonna let the blighter beat me. I know it can come back, we just have to take each day as it comes.

Good luck and keep us posted with your progress.
Much love
Netty xxxxx

Hi Alison

I am so sorry to read of your diagnosis. How old are your children? Mine were 9 and 14 when I was dx in December 2005. I never told me youngest one - just said I Was “poorly” as I didnt want her to worry. To this day I think that was the right decision for me and her.

My lump was 1.4 (similar to yours) , I had no nodes involved and clear margins so I just had a lumpectomy. I was oestrogrn positive so take tamoxifen. I was given a choice of chemo and opted to have it as I was too scared not to. I also had rads.

Given my time again I dont know whether I would have fought to have zoladex instead of chemo as I dont think its as hard on the body.

This is the WORST time for you with all the worrying . Once you have had surgery and know more you will feel better, It’s only a small lump so that’s a v good sign.

I amcoming up to 3 years since my diagnosis and am still OK - touch wood.

Lots of people survive this Alison - you will be one of them

Take care and hang on in there.

Love ALise x

Hi all.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Monday and have spent the past week having bone scan, MRI and ultrasound. My specialist has told me that I need a mastectomy - oh shit! I am seeing Oncologist and plastic surgeon next week when I will find out when all this will take place. Am obviously scared but also feeling positive. Am more worried about my husband and kids! Need to ask loads of questions but not sure what? Just being in this forum with others like me makes me feel better.
Love Melanie (aged 50 and a half) xx

Hi Mel

Welcome to the BCC forums, you may find BCC’s resource pack helpful, it has been designed for those newly diagnosed. If you would like a copy just follow the link below to order a copy:


If you feel it would help to talk to someone in confidence about any concerns you have, then please give the helpline a call, the staff here are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Best wishes