Hi - hope somebody can put my mind at rest ! I have had quite bad headaches for about 3 weeks. Its there all of the time and seems worse in the night and always there when I wake in the morning. I had Stage 3 tumour, HER2 pos with 8/16 nodes in June 2007. On Herceptin with just one more to go.
I feel silly going to the docs with a headache but can’t stop thinking if could be something else.
Hi lizzie, If you are anything like me you will just want to get on witht ehrest of you life without having to worry about every ace and pain but it makes sence to get this checked out with your doctor who will not think you are being silly and ill hopefully be able to set you mind at rest
Hi lizzie
Towards the end of my Herceptin I started with really bad headaches,I spoke to my oncologist and he thought it might be the herceptin, because the headaches were a lot worse after each infusion and eased off before the next. As I only had only one to go and they hadnt got worse just remained the same, we decided to see if when Herceptin finished they went away. I finished in November and after six weeks they had completely gone.
I would still speak to your doctor, but i hope like me they just go after you have finished Herceptin.
The chances are pretty high that it is not cancer related but if you are being treated still at the hospital (i.e. on herceptin) then I think you should mention this to your oncologist. So often if you go to your GP he will suggest painkillers etc. One of the things we will never totally escape is the anxiety ‘is this bc’ so I always think best to eliminate that fear when we can.
I do have secondaries and had headaches over many weeks so my onc sent me for mri brain. This was clear and eventually the headaches did stop.