Worried sick

I had breast cancer in 1994, chemo, radiotherapy. Then again in 2007, bi lateral mastectomy and reconstruction. 10 days ago I got a sharp pain in my chest when I breathed deeply, went straight to the doctors, had a chest xray which showed a 2.5cm lesion on my lung. I saw the oncologist today who said the chances of it not being secondary breast cancer or even primary lung cancer were very slim. I have a bone scan tomorrow and a CT scan next Monday.

Has anyone ever had a lesion that did not turn out to be cancer - I am clutching at straws here.

Hi Caz

I haven’t any experience of the situation you describe but have had scares. Just wanted to say that I so, so hope you don’t have secondaries and will eep everything crossed for you


Jane x

Hi Caz,
I know how worried you must be, the same thing has happened to me, on one scan l had a lesion on my lung, this turned out to be a pocket of infection which they cleared up with antibiotics, the second bone scan showed a hot spot up on my sternum which they think is Tietze’s syndrome, again treatable, but what a worry, i know after breast cancer we do tend to think the worst but try and hang on in there, it may be the same as i had and is something else and is treatable, i certainly hope so. I will pray you have good results.
Love Barbara x

Thanks so much for your comments. I can only hope and pray. I am so worried for my daughter, her and I live alone and she is 17 and so vunerable. They think they know everything at this age dont they when they are really still kids. I just wish I could see her happily married with a good man by her side.

Hi Caz

Fingers crossed for a pocket of infection or similar. Think that cam out a bit wrong but hopefully something curable. Hoping you get to see your daughter happy (whether wed or not) and die a very old lady in the best of health.

Sending lots of love and keep us posted.

Jane x