I went for a biopsy yesterday. When I went into theatre they said because of the size of the distorted area on mammogram they would be doing core biopsy in 5 areas. This is why I had to have a general anaesthetic. I only went in at 4pm after getting to hospital at 6am. I am very sore and stiff today. I came to work but am feeling drowsy, bruised and swollen. Is this normal? I don’t have stitches just a dressing. Have an appointment first week of April to see him. Also I did not see him after the op and the nurses did not know whether I should change the dressing at all or how often. I will phone him today but I think he has gone away already.
Sorry to hear you are in pain, i really don’t think you should have gone to work today at all. You are bound to be stll suffering from the effects of the anaestetic. Also there will be bruising from the biopsies.
I think you need to rest up a little and give yourself some time to recover from yesterday.
Thanks Val. I will rest on the weekend - it is a nice long one and I bought myself 5 books to read as hubby is working and kids going away for school holidays.
Do you have any idea about dressings on core biopsies? Phoned Surgeon this morning and he is away till 1 April. Do I just leave it on?
I was told to leave mine (and keep it dry) for 3 days, and then to let the steri-strips underneath it dry out and come off by themselves. Actually as they were all loose around the edges another 24 hours after I’d taken the big dressing off, I just eased them off too. Hope you’re not too uncomfortable, it does bruise a bit! Wouldn’t have gone to work the day after a general anaesthetic, take it easy and enjoy a peaceful long weekend. Love, Lyn x
Okay so now I am even more worried. Just got the results of my core biopsy. I have firoadenoma in my right breast. The results say that it is possible the surgeon did not take an adequate sample??? I have read the posts on benign breast conditions and I see that most of you that have fibroadenomas have actually had cancer. Where to from here. He is away so just gave results on telephone. I am seeing him on 1 April.
I had the same thing happen, 6 core biopsies and my results were inconclusive so they removed the fibroadenoma. I had abnormal cells (microcalcification) in mine but my margins were clear so I didnt have to have any more treatment. This was last year and nothing was found on my last mammo which was Feb this year.
I expect he will decide what to do on 1st. I hope everything goes ok
If you would like to talk through your worries and concerns please feel free to call the Breast Cancer Care helpline where you are able to talk in confidence to one of our trained members of staff. The number to call is free phone 0808 800 6000 and the line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm.
Good luck for your appointment tomorrow Dee, fingers crossed for a good result. In my case the biopsy needle kept bouncing of the hard lump, and only drew out good tissue, the docs were not happy with this, and after 3 core biopsie they eventually got the badie. Of course this does not mean that you have a similar problem.
My daughter had a lump - few months ago - and I was worried sick. Hers was a fibroadenoma and she was tol it’s cancer never has and never will be cancer.