worried, worried and a bit more worried!!!!

Hi Girls (and guys!)
I had breast pain about 2 yrs ago went to my doctor and was sent for a scan. I was told there was nothing there and everything was ok. I have to say I felt like I was in and out in about 15mins and left feeling worried. About two weeks ago I felt the pain again and in the shower found a lump in my right breast. I went straight to the doctor and she sent me straight to a breast cyst clinic. My appointment was today. I saw a doctor who felt my breast but needed me to find the lump for him but what really scared me was he found another lump in my armpit which I had no found (i check my breast very reguarly!). I was told an appointment for a scan and x-ray will be sent to me… I was scared to have one lump now I’ve got two so I’m very worried now!!!..Silly question but can you get two cyst at the same time!! sorry all logical thought has left my brain :wink: !!!
xx jess

Hi jess, welcome to the site, I do understand what your going through and unfortunately the waiting is always the worst. Whatever the outcome we are here for you and it is all doable.
Good Luck, Keep us posted,

Love Teresa xxx

Hi Jess and welcome to the forums

BCC have published a booklet about referral to a breast clinic which you may find helpful to read:


We also have a confidential helpline which you are welcome to contact for further support and information, the line is open on weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes

Hi Girls…
Thank you for your kind words. I will definitaly be giving the helpline a buzz tomorrow. It would be really great to be able to talk to someone…
Reading the forums on here I realise some of the girls here are just plain amazing I have been totally gob smacked… I take my hat off to them…
Good luck to everyone and I will keep you posted!
xx jess

hi babe
hopefully all will be finr ive just had my diagnosis and go in for a partieal masectomy om thursday. there is some great surgeons and treatment out there
take care

Good Luck Jess - hope you get the appointments through quickly. Sorry, I’ve never had a cyst, so its not something I know anything about, just wanted to wish you well

Good luck. I was very “cysty” and had multiple ones at a time, so let’s hope you’re the same and they’re both cysts.

Hi love I too had multiple cysts for years so yes you can have more than one at a time.Fingers crossed for your appointment.Do let us know how you get on.