
Trying not to worry myself silly but about 4 months ago I noticed my right breast starting to ache on and off. It increased in frequency and severity until this week it became pretty much constant. I went to my GP on Wednesday and he had a feel and said he could feel a “mass” in my breast. He says it’s not a cyst as it’s irregular in shape and not mobile. He’s told me not to worry as it’s likely to be a fibrocystic (?) breast condition but I can’t help it. He’s referring me to a one-stop breast clinic in Aberdeen but as of today the referral still hadn’t been typed.
Has anyone else had these same symptoms? Thanks in advance for any response!

Hi loulou,
Hope someone comes along soon to give you some advice, my lump was found through a mammogram, so sorry l cant help you, hopefully you wont have to wait too long for your appointment.
Yes we all worry, well we would wouldn’t we, it is ok these doctors saying ‘don’t worry’ but… fingers crossed for you. Once you get your appointment, things will move quickly.
Take care
Sandra x

hi loulou,

sorry you are going through such a tough time. I am 36 and was diagnosed in march. My breast had ached intermittently for a few months but only very low level, and i also found a lump. This may not be what you want to hear, but remember 9 out of 10 breast lumps are not cancer and fibrocystic changes are common. The one stop day is a hard one to get through but better than waiting for ages. Chase up your refferal, well done for being proactive,

good luck and let us know how you are, whatever happens,



understand why you are worried. I had a strange feeling in my breast and went to see Dr. He said it was mastitis but I was concerned he was wrong so insisted on some tests. Consultant told me it was probably hormonal as 90% of this sort of issue is. Sadly mine wasn’t so had lumpectomy and the lymph node extraction followed by chemo and now rads.

This doesn’t sound very positive but I have got through it so far and have found this site to be so supportive.

I truly hope you find out that it’s nothing to worry about but believe me if it is cancer you will get through it.

K x

Thanks girls, the longer I’m waiting for the referral, the more relaxed I’ve become about it. You have totally all hit the nail on the head tho - yes, my breast has been painful but way, way more than that, it’s just felt “strange”, and not part of me. Can’t explain it properly.
I’m just so angry that my referral STILL hasn’t been typed (it ‘may’ be done today) and I think that anger is stopping me brooding on the what-ifs!

Thanks again - I’ll let you know how I got on, tho in the nicest possible way, I really hope I won’t need to be here soon!


I’m back to being really worried. I spoke to the hospital today and apparently I will be seen sometime in the next ELEVEN WEEKS. I actually think I might go crazy before then, in addition to still being in pain! The gp has confirmed he felt a “mass” - I thought you had to be seen within 2 weeks, or have I made this up? I just don’t think I can wait that long and I don’t know what to do.


Yes - you should certainly be getting seen before then… try ringing your hospital’s main switchboard and ask to speak to PALS - they act as patient liason and explain to them what you have been told today - they should know if there is some staffing problem at your unit or something like that… but even is there is you should be able to get referred somewhere else more quickly that is totally unacceptable…

Theresa x