
Hi am new to this site and a bit anxious. Last week went to the doctors as i felt a thickening/swelling under the right arm. The doctor put me on Antibiotics and told me to come back in a week. Went back had not gone away so he sending me for a mammogram, still waiting for appointment but now have noticed a small discharge and and now a pain now in my breast and my rib cage on the right side, maybe because i am thinking to much about it. Sorry i have nobody to talk to as they are telling me to be positive about it.


Sorry u have this worry. You have done the right thing getting this checked out. I hope you get your appointment quickly. I would suggest that if you are under forty or have dense breasts you ask for an ultrasound as well ( they may already suggest this) just to make sure. I hope u get you appointment soon. Please post again if you have any questions or just want to let off steam. It is hard to talk to others about our fears. We do get a lot of good news on this site were problems turn out to be benign, but nothing will stop u worrying until you have seen the specialist. You could try ringing the help line to talk it through, they are very good. Take care of yourself. Debx

Hi Debs

Thanx for your support. Still was waiting for my appointment so i rang up the breast clinic and they told me that i was graded so i have to wait 13 weeks for my appointment. The doctor told me 2 weeks so i felt a bit upset that i have this in my head over christmas. The swelling under my right arm has got a little bit bigger so i am wondering what i could do next. Girls at work told me to push the doctor or go private for the mammogram. As anybody got any advice what i could do. sammiexx

Hi Sammie

Welcome to the BCC forums, in addition to the support you have here, please feel free to call our helpline where you can talk things through with one of our team, the line is open until 2pm today then re opens Monday at 9am (Weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2)

Take care

Go back to your gp, 13 weeks is ridiculous !!!, you need to get this sorted, shout about it be awkward, you know your body, and its telling you that something isn’t right, especially if things are swelling more.
You need to look after number 1, be selfish. I really hope you get this sorted , probably comes down to the postcode lottery people keep talking about. My referal took 2 weeks, I thought this was the norm.
Thinking of you. X