
i went to see my doctor yesterday after finding a lump in my left breast thats been there for a bout 5 weeks hes referd me to the hospital ive noticed a hard painfull lump above my right breast just below my collar bone could this be a lymph node has anyone eles experienced this any info would be great

Bubble, most lumps are not breast cancer, and some tumours are not invasive. It’s very frightening, but it’s best to know in any case.

Hi Bubble and welcome to the BCC forums

You are welcome to call our helpline for support in addition to the help you have here on 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

BCC have published a booklet called ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ which you may find helpful to read, you can order or read a copy via this link:


Take care

thanks for the info its very reasuring to know that most lumps turn out not to be bc its just a waiting game now for my appointment xx