Worried. I forgot to put a title on my last message so no one could get into it…silly me, here it is again.
It’s been three months since I finished radiotherapy, and was not feeling too bad, but am suddenly feeling sick all the time, it’s like morning sickness, but at my age I know I am not pregnant, my breast is also still painful, I hate asking the Doctor or nurse at the hospital as I am scared they may think I am getting paranoid…I am on Tomoxifen, and have been taking it for 6 months.
Hugs Val.
Val Hi Val
You may find it helpful to contact the Ask the Nurse email service or phone our helpline. Our experts working in these services should be able to tell you if the symptoms you are experiencing are common and point you towards sources of help.
You can contact the ask the nurse service by going to
on the site.
The freephone helpine number is 0808 800 6000 and is open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm and Saturday, 9am - 2pm.
I hope this helps.
Take care.
Kind regards.
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care
Thanks so much for the advice, i telephoned the helpline this morning, they were so kind, caring and sympathetic, and put my mind at rest…Thanks so much. XXXX.
I spoke to one of the nurses on this site once too and they were so helpful and balanced - better than my own bcn who was very good during the treatment days - now I feel a bit abandoned as obviously I am a low priority as she will have newly diagnosed ladies to deal with. I would urge ladies and gents to use the nurses on here as they really are good.
I was only saying to my daughter today that I felt abandoned I think the wonderful staff at the hospital where I had the treatment would be very upset if they knew I felt like that, and as you say chloesinclair they have the newbies to concentrate on which of course is quite right.