

I had been having pain in my left breast for a while and noticed that my nipple had become very inverted. At times the pain is so bad and wearing a bra had even become comfortable. At times it’s a real job to lift my arm on that side as it feels like a dead weight. I hadn’t felt any lumps but my boobs have always been a bit lumpy. Anyhow I went to see my dr who was very good and I got an appointment within two weeks at the one stop breast clinic at the local hospital.
That was yesterday and I saw the consultant, had a mammogram and ultrasound. I came out of the ultrasound very positive as the radiographer seemed quite happy with what she had seen. She noticed I have a slightly large lymph node in my left armpit but said this can be due to infection? The consultant that saw me told me she wasn’t happy with how the nipple looked and mentioned thickening in the nipple also.
Surprisingly I then received a telephone call from the consultant in the afternoon advising me that they want to perform a small op to take a biopsy (apparently I need to have a general anaesthetic due to the location, ie, my nipple). Today I received a phone call from the hospital offering me an appointment to have the op on Monday morning which I have accepted.
To be honest I just don’t know what to think, I’ve been in so much pain lately I feel like something must be causing it. I appreciate that mammograms aren’t always able to catch everything. I’m trying to keep positive but I feel like I also have to prepare myself for the possibility there could be something going on as they must feel it is necessary to do the biopsy? Everyone keeps telling me not to worry but when it’s you that’s going through it, it’s really tricky.
thanks for reading,
kerry xxx

Hello cupcakesandsparkle

Welcome to the forums, this must be a very difficult time for you. I’m sure other users will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime, maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open again in the morning and normal opening times are Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes

June, moderator

Sorry you are going through this Kerry. What a shock but you are very brave and facing your investigations.The worst is not knowing and imagining and waiting for treatment - but you will get through it. It helps to keep busy and do things you like doing. Your lymph nodes are there to stop nasties spreading so they are working hard for you. Also how about you plan some treats/outings for you and family for after your op - whatever the result there will be things to look forward to. You may find yourself very emotional for a while - I think that is normal and I certainly was as I tried to get my head round possibilities of the tests and treatments ahead of me.
Take care you will get through it whatever it turns out to be big hug Orangepeko

Thanks for your kind message I appreciate it. I went for my pre-op app at hospital yesterday and was told - so you are having a breast lump removed! This was really shocking as I didn’t think that’s what they were planning to do. The worry (like so many of you have experienced) is just so awful I can’t think of anything else right now. Hugs to anyone going through the same thing xxx

Hope you’re able to find things to distract you, and that Monday goes as smoothly as possible. Take care xx

hi cupcake
im not going to say dont worry, but i will say try to think about other happy things and try not to let your imagination take over your thoughts (although its hard to do), fill your time and dont leave time to think too much.
good luck for monday, let us know what happens,
angie x

Thank u xx