I have an appointment next Tuesday at a breast clinic, I have dimpling that is in a line with a couple of hard small lumps and a dull aching pain. I had a lump cut out about 4 years ago which was benign and at the time didnt worry much at all. This time I seem to have gone into panic mode and keep checking it, hoping that it will disappear I have been on HRT for just ovrr 3 years after having an hysterectomy at 37 years. Has anybody had similar symptons?
Lennie, the waiting is the worse. If you want a professional, supportive reply to your situation, talk the help line. They are great, and its worth the call. Number at bottom of page. Otherwise, loads of similar, cyber hugs, and were all in it together will follow very shortly. We all have slightly different experiences and bodies, but what we all share is the fear of the unknown. It definitely helps to talk to others in similar situations so keep posting.
Hi Lennie, as Boxofrogs says, the waiting is the worst, our imagination goes into overdrive and we always fear the worst. Please don’t be tempted to google, you’ll scare yourself to death and the information you will likely get will be out of date or just plain inaccurate. Stick to this site or MacMillan or ring the helpline if you get really panicky. Once you’ve had your appointment, tests and results you’ll feel much better as you’ll have some answers and will be able to gain some measure of control. BCC do a good booklet about Your Breast Clinic Appointment, if you go to Publications at the top of the page you’ll find a whole host of booklets there which are very good if you like to have lots of information, some ladies do, others would prefer to know as little as possible. Do keep posting and let us know how you get on, best of luck on Tuesday ((hugs)) Pat x
Thank you for the advice, I will keep you posted on how the appointment everything
Hi Lennie, it’s only natural to worry but Boxofrogs and Trisha have given you very good advice. The waiting really is the worst part of the whole thing. I was on a total emotional rollercoaster. Of course, if you need to have mammogram/ultrasound/biopsy at the breast clinic there’ll be more waiting for the results
Keep posting…whether it’s to ask a question or just to have a rant/moan at how you’re feeling.
Good luck for tomorrow. Please let us know how you get on. (((hugs)))
Magggie xx