
I have lower back ache is this normal

Hi khj

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Jo, Moderator

Hi khj,
Can only answer this from my own experience…I had severe bruising after core biopsies and found I held my body differently to protect my wounded side. Was still dealing with this by time I had op, and had upper/mid back pain part muscular, part from nerve pain. It did go, until i pushed a shopping trolley too soon when it came back for awhile. I guess what I’m saying is that all this puts pressure on us physically and emotionally, hence one can (even unknowingly) hold themselves differently and cause pain elsewhere like in the back. You could ask your bcn or GP for some exercises to do each day to assist or if you are up to it some very gentle yoga stretches…don’t push yourself if you are recovering from treatment…one step at a time.
Hope that helps and really hope it eases off soon.

Khj you don’t say whether you’ve had an op or just diagnosed or undergoing chemo? As sea breeze says you may be holding yourself awkwardly or are you sitting around in bed? Get checked out by gp or physio and do some gentle exercise, walking or stretching.