
Hi all just wondering about secondary bone cancer following breast cancer. My mum was diagnosed 2years ago with invasive ductile and invasive lobular cancer in one breast and had a mastectomy she’s already been failed once by the nhs when her mamogram in the community reported back everything was ok 16 months previous when it wasn’t now I feel she’s not getting the care and investigation need im worried sick in December she was struggling with pain in her neck which gradually got worse progressing to dizziness and other things she was told by her oncologist any pains in the bones which are not the norm must’ve investigated as breast secondaries if breast cancer return in the bone she told her breast consultant and he said it’s probably an inner ear problem this was in April cut a long story short her gp asked for a vine scan which she had on 26/05 after not hearing anything for 2 1/2 weeks she assumed everything was ok then on 12/06 she had phone call from the McMillan breast care nurse to say there was some uptake in her spine and she will get an appointment for an MRI of her spine she only had this last Wednesday 12 days after the phone call as I’m sure all who have suffered from this disease it seams like a life time of worrying we were told the images would be available for consultants to view that night but still not heard anything when I phoned today I was told it was up for discussion last Friday 26/06 but they couldn’t until the radiographer had done the report and it could take up to a week this really worries me and can’t help but think if this had been investigated in April and we are faced with the worse case scenario my mum would be in treatment now as I’m sure your all aware it’s the waiting and not knowing that drives you crazy. Any help/advice would be much appreciated

Hi Samlou

I am sorry to read that you have this worry about your Mum, please feel free to call our helpliners to talk your concerns over on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 today (weekdays) and 10-2 Saturdays. Our team are on hand with practical and emotional support for both of you

Take care
Lucy BC