
Hi I new on here and I am a bit worried, A while ago I found a small hard pea size lump on my breast, I went straight to the doctor who refered me to breast clinic, I had a mammogram and an ultra sound which showed nothing but the doctor could feel the lump, she decided to do a FNA.

When I went back 6 weeks later I saw a different doctor,they said that my scan’s showed clear, she done an examination of my breast and she felt the lump and another smaller one underneath, She then done a 2 needle aspiration which I am waiting for the results for, I was wondering if anyone else has had this scan’s showing clear or am I just worrying about nothing, Thanks …I from U.K

Hi Ttracyjake and welcome to the BCC forums

I am sorry to read that you have this worry, whilst you await replies here please feel free to call our helpliners to talk your concerns through on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 10-2 today and 9-5 weekdays 

Take care

Lucy BCC

Hi tracyjake
just wondering if you have any news regarding your results
sheena x