
So I noticed a change in one of my nipples, it looks like it’s gone a bit wart like, clearly not like it used to be. I saw my GP today and she laughed out loud when she saw it and said I have absolutely nothing to be worried about. I felt relieved until she did an exam and subsequently found a lump in that breast. I’m now referred to the breast clinic and will have an appt within 2 weeks. I guess it’s just a waiting game now. Thanks for reading x

Hiya, well that not very professional of your GP to laugh at you, whatever your concerns are you should be taken seriously, you know your body better than anyone after all! She did at least check you and although she’s found a lump it’s likely to be nothing serious but referring you to the clinic is the right thing to do as they are the ones who will be able to tell you for sure, please keep in touch and let us know how you get on Xx Jo 

Thanks for your reply Jo, I agree the GP laughing was just so unprofessional, luckily I’m not the kind to be deterred by how others might respond! And finding the lump may turn out to be an amazing thing in the end - I’m trying to look for any positives right now! Love and warmth to all you brave incredible ladies x

Hi I’ve got my appt at the breast clinic on the 1st. Been pretty cool til now but starting to freak a bit if I’m honest. Gotta start preparing for the result, I feel like I know what it’s gonna be, I just seriously hope I’m wrong X

Just wanted to wish you good luck with your appointment on 1st Sept. It’s a very worrying time and I hope that the lump is benign. My friend has her referral to the breast clinic on the 2nd so is understandably anxious -she didn’t want to tell me as I have secondary BC (for nearly 4 years) but I am pleased that she did as I want to support her.
Keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome, keep us posted.
Love Helen x

Hi Koolkarma
How did your appointment go today? Hope you’re ok. Xx

Hi Helen and Charys thank you so much for thinking of me, I had good news today. The consultant told me my nipple has a blocked milk duct and is perfectly normal for my age and the fact I’m on HRT ( I had to have a total hysterectomy 2 years ago and was advised to take it) Then the pea sized hard lump the GP found - which I also found afterwards several times including last Friday- could not be located by any of the doctors or scanners or me, as a result he concluded it was a cyst that would come and go and is nothing to worry about. 

He told me I had some sign of early calcification but with nearly all benign patterns (?)  and that he recommends I get private mammograms every 18 months going forward. I’m feeling mightily relieved but slightly concerned the hard pea couldn’t be found. What do you think of all that?! X

I am so pleased for you! Make sure you attend any future mammograms and fingers crossed that you don’t ever need to revisit this forum. All the best, Helen x