
I have felt unwell for a while fatigue…pain thru my body…sharp pains in my elbows and feet…I have osteoarthritis and my dr recently diagnosed fibromyalgia…I had blood tests but no x-rays although I’m waiting for an mri …I found a lump in my breast on Monday and have been referred to clinic appt on 12 Oct…I’m worried sick my symptoms could all b related and something has been missed…has any1 else had similar symptoms? Xxx

Hi Yvonne ,try not to torture yourself with “what ifs and maybes”,there is a very good chance your other symptoms are not related and you have just become hyper aware of your body as you are already anxious.Vast majority of referrals to breast clinic turn out not to be cancer so the odds are in your side .Let us know how you get on .Jill.