
After a bit of advice reassurance. I have had a pain in my left breast on and off for a while so been to the GP and she is referring me to breast clinic as she said my left side is much lumpier than the right. She said she could feel no obvious lump but wanted me to get checked out, Has anyone else had experience of this? I have come home and done nothing but worry and keep thinking I have cancer. X



Hello and welcome.


Well it is really good that you have been to see your GP as any changes in the breast should be checked out and it is really good that they are referring you to have it checked out, however one thing to remember is there are a lot of benign breast conditions.


It is easier said than done but try and put it out of your mind.


Let us know when you get your apt and do not be concerned if it comes through quickly, it is normal practice when you are referred to a breast clinic you are seen within 14 days from receipt of the referral.


We are all here for you whenever you need so dont worry about coming on here for help and support



Hi jd 

I’m in the same boat as you and like yourself, feeling v anxious and overthinking everything, I know the Gp is just following recommended NHS guidelines and being thorough but it doesn’t stop the worrying, but as the lovely supportive ladies will tell you here, there are a lot of reasons for this other than bc and I myself am trying to focus on that.  I’m trying to distract myself and not think about it too much though easier said than done!! . Please try to resist googling symptoms it will only make you worry more. Information on here is much more up to date and accurate than "dr google " !! 

My appointment came through two days after gp referred me and I’m going on 29th. 

Im sure you’ll hear soon

lots of support and information on here, please post back when you get your appointment date , we can support each other!! Xx 


kate x 


Hi Jd and Kaz


Please don’t overthink …I did that when my GP said she was sending an “urgent” referral to the Breast Clinic. In addition to thickening breast tissue, I also had bloody discharge.  I worried so much, I couldn’t eat, sleep or carry on normally .

As it happened, mammogram showed a papilloma (benign) …however, I am still waiting to have it removed and biopsies for definite diagnosis.

So don’t worry too much…it could be nothing. …you are in the right place for advice and strength xxx

I need to phone the GP tomorrow afternoon and they should be able to give me an appointment time. I have alsorts whirling around my head. To me it feels the same as the right but then I’m not a doctor. My left breast has always been bigger than the right. When I asked why she was referring me she said she is a wuss and it’s better to be safe than sorry. She did tell me I would be seen in 2 weeks but not to worry as this protocol. What are your symptoms? I’ve just convinced myself I have cancer and nothing else. X


Thickening and bloody discharge from nipples xxx

I’m 34 so border line as to whether they will do a mammogram or not as normally don’t do them on people under 35. I have some experience of mammograms as I’m a radiographer. X

Easier said than done being asked to try and stop worrying - I’ve been out of my mind for the last few days. I had exactly the same symptoms, sore, lumpy and yes squishy! I had my assessment today and was told one side is “full of cysts” but that they are totally harmless. Fingers crossed for everyone waiting for assessment, I feel for you completely.

Hi, I’m 49. I had a biopsy in 2002 for a lump I found, which thankfully was a cyst. I was told then I just have lumpy boobs, would have been 34 then! It has gradually got “worse” with symptoms mirroring yours (right side is the worst), but I’ve put it down to pre menopause etc. I was seen within 2 weeks as mine was a recall from a screening mammogram - terrified me to death, thinking I’d “neglected” my symptoms for years, so you are definitely doing the right thing! All they’d found was a bigger cyst. My right side is full of them apparently, all completely harmless, age related and very, very common for ladies who are not quite at menopause - she said they almost shrink when your periods stop! Hope this helps and I hope your appointment comes through today.

I’m 34 so a similar age to when u where first diagnosed with a cyst. Did you have lumpy boobs then or not? Mine have been lumpy ever since I breastfed 2 of my little girls for over a year each. Do you have one that lumpier than the other? GP said she feel like there is a lot more lumps in my left but that is the bigger one? Is ur pain intermittent or all the time? Xx

I can tell you’re worried, it’s an awful time. I found the lump then noticed how lumpy they were as a whole. The biopsy in 2002 confirmed a harmless cyst, but did say I was naturally lumpy on one side and to report any changes etc. My daughter was a baby then and I was breastfeeding also - the lumpy side is the one both my girls preferred when feeding! Over the years this one side became more sore, heavy feeling etc and yes (on close inspection!) is bigger. I didn’t feel too much owww pain, but even now it comes and goes and I can’t have anything near them at all. Pain is not a common symptom of bc at all though. As I was reassured in 2002 that cysts, sore and lumpy boobs were perfectly normal (for me), I about died when I had the recall letter a week ago. There was another cyst lodged in there which I couldn’t feel! I spoke more in depth yesterday about how one side felt and again, fibrocystic changes due to hormones and my age was the diagnosis.

I’m not a medic, but honestly, you sound exactly the same as me. Fingers crossed!

I also went through hell waiting last week, even thinking the mole I have on one of them had showed up on the scan! Diagnosed myself with everything too through Dr Google. I’ve never known such anxiety. I’ve vowed that if all I can do is try and reassure one lady then I will - this whole thing has had a real impact on me! But I am massively thankful to the assessment units, this is one area you cannot fault the NHS on.