Worry about how to tell a friend.

I know I am a bit coward- but i am so scared to tell one friend of mine that i have BC. She had a long history of depression and anything you said to her she would think about it a million times in her mind. She lives alone. I donot want to sitimulate her.

Also I donot want to take her reaction either as i was worried that she might be said something very harsh or being very annoying asking me many questions i donot want to talk about- sometimes i felt talking to her is such a drain.

she is in my circle of friend so i could not aviod her. I feel sorry for her but to be honest if i could i 'd better aviod her but our common friend always seems to link us together.

You might not believe it- I spend more time worrying about this more than my BC

Any wise suggestions? Good tacties? any clever ways to get things sorted?


Hi Avonlea,
sorry you are having to cope with the worry of others at this difficult time, this is a s…t disease and it tips our life upside down and some! You say there is another friend if you have told her about your condition, will she tell the other one? When I was diagnosed I told one of a group of friends and she passed all the info to the others. This eased the stress and I did not have to repeat myself over and over again. Maybe give it a try.
Good luck .

Love Debsxxx

I know this may not help but you have to put yourself first on this one.

Perhaps you could just tell her you are having the lump removed as tests are inconclusive so she has time to come to terms with it all. You may find she surprises you and handles the news better than you thought.

But first and foremost this is your time to concentrate on your own wellbeing.

Good luck x

Thanks Ladies for all your replies.

I talked about it with another friend too- she said i dont need to worry so much on top of my problem!!! I think i will take the advises here- if my other friend keeps on pushing me to tell the lady- i will ask her to do it… just hope i did not damage her further… or she did not come back to me all resentful and accuse me having some diseases scared her so much (according to her past behaviour… )

take care
