Hi. I’m new to this site and feeling really worried at the moment. I visited my GP on Friday 9th March as I had found a lump in my right breast. She strongly believes that this is not a cyst and in her words she is “concerned” I have been referred to the breast clinic with an appointment for Friday 23rd March which is great…although it’s going to be a long 7 more days. Over the last day or so I have noticed a change in my breast that wasn’t there before. It’s fuller in appearance and doesn’t fit in my bra cup properly. I also have a dull ache across my shoulder and under my arm. I’m trying not to worry and remaining positive. Next Friday seems such a long time away. Is there anything I should be aware about for my consultation or questions to ask? All very scary not knowing anything. Any advice would be greatly appreciated xx
Hello and wlecome to the forum where you will get loads of help and support.
Well the good thing is that you have an appointment to get it checked out and whilst it feels like an eternity, it is only next week.
The trouble is when we find something unusual in our breast we become over aware of things, it is likely that your breast has always been that way but you were never aware of it before. I would imagine the pain in your shoulder and arms is down to tension and stress.
Take each day at a time and try to keep in mind that there are many benign breast conditions that it might be and it does not necessarily mean that it is cancer.
They will probably do a mammogram and an ultrasound. If they are not sure they may do a biospy but again just because they do that does not mean that it is breast cancer, they will be just making sure before they let you go. If they think it is a cyst it is possible that they will drain it which does not take long at all.
Sending you hugs
Helena xxx
Thank you Helena. It’s the not knowing isn’t it and the GP made me worry more by saying it wasn’t a cyst. I am positive 90% of the time. It’s that niggling 10% fear creeping in and not knowing what to expect. I’ve been reading through the support by amazing people here and it’s been a huge help. Thank you again for your kind message xx