Worrying & low

Oh well only 3 days to go now after waiting nearly 5 weeks, last week i was coping very well, not really worried at all, but since i woke up on thursday I’ve not felt right.
my DH is away working till about 5pm tomorrow so I’m now sat here feeling lonely since the kids have gone to bed.
I’m still sure everything will be ok but I’ve been feeling so tired for weeks now, I have little get up & go & the pains in my breast & under arm are still there, the lump is still there to.
is it normal to feel sick with the thought of going to the clinic.
My appointment is 10.40, so time to take kids to school & then make our way to the hospital.
the strange thing is as it’s been so long since going to the doctors friends & family seem to have forgotten all about it & that is
making me feel really low, as if noone cares. even hubby has stopped talking about it.

sorry going now or i won’t stop moaning xx

Tell your friends and family how you are feeling may be there not talking about it because they think thats what you want , Its only been less than two weeks for me found out and 2 days later had full surgery but one thing ive learnt is im now always going to say and tell peaople how i feel Im putting my feelings first for a change …
Good Luck
Lisa 39 year old mom of 2

yea its normal to feel worried and sick. its a difficult time and when you feel down that can make you tired and also not sleeping properly if youre anything like me. i think people just dont know what to say. good luck for the clinic, hope it goes ok. i guess if its painful thats a good sign. x

Hi, I haven’t used this website before but I have been reading a lot of the comments over the past week. I am also feeling very worried and low at the moment. I have gone from having what I thought was a strain on my chest to going to the GP who found a small lump, that she described as being like a pea, and she has referred me to the breast clinic. I have waited a week already and tried to keep things normal and just get on with work, but with another week to go until next Friday, I am now starting to become really anxious. My husband just keeps saying it will be fine, but I am trying to be open minded as I just don’t know until I get there but I can’t help letting my mind run away with all sorts of things.

Hi Lisa

BCC have published a booklet called ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ which you may find helpful to read prior to your clinic visit, you can do so via this link:


Please feel free to call our helpline for further support and a ‘listening ear’ on 0808 800 6000 which is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

Best wishes

Twinmum - just wanted to send you some more hugs - you have been waiting so long to hear…:frowning:

I hope that both you and lisa get good news next week.


yes, will be sending the positive vibes your way twinmum!! mary x