Hey all -
So I am 40, and had my screening mammogram earlier this year, in April. Everything came back clear, no issues.
About five weeks ago, I noticed a pain/discomfort in my left breast - could not pinpoint where the pain was stemming from, just in the left mid/lower quad of that breast. After I went through full cycle, and they went back into flat-pancake mode (as they do), I was able to locate a small, hard lump - about the size of a small marble. To get a clear feel on it instead of a vague lumpy area, I leaned all the way forward to feel along the chest wall - and there it was. It barely moved - like in the way your kneecap kinda moves, but is certainly not going anywhere else.
And it obviously scared the crap out of me. Soooooo I ignored it for these past few weeks, but the discomfort has not let up. It’s almost like a constant pulling achy feeling unless I put pressure in the area. I could NOT find a doctor to see me within the next three months, so I saw an Urgent Care doctor. When we added in my extra symptoms of a suddenly larger breast and a feeling that there’s something tucked up in that left armpit, She immediately set me up with a STAT diagnostic mammo and ultrasound, which I go for on Wednesday (it’s Saturday now).
Honestly I’m looking for any reassurance, because the details have me more worried than normal. I’ve dealt with dense breasts, I have a fibroadenoma on my other (right) breast, so I’m not unfamiliar with breast health…… but again - the details are scary. I’ve had no appetite and killer headaches stressing out about this - I’m hoping I’m just blowing it out of proportion…. But I also work in healthcare and I know too much.