wound wont heal!!!!

I had my 4th operation 3 weeks ago, this time leaving me with a small scar that i was delighted with but 3 weeks down the line im leaking and the scar is fast becoming a HOLE!! Im starting to panic as i leave for Barbados in 4 weeks to get married. PLEASE if anybody has any advice I would really appreciate it. Ive tried Manuka honey which was fab on the scar but not on the “opening”. Im now about to try some salt water but willing to try anything at this stage…


Call your bcn, or gp, and get it seen to, quick. It may be nothing to worry about, but if it’s an infection, you need antibiotics - and the sooner you get them, the quicker you’ll be dealing with it.

Sophie xxx

Hi deed

triphazard is right, if you are concerned and haven’t already done so, you should seek medical advice, either from your GP or BCN.

Hopefully they will be able to reassure you or prescribe antibiotics if necessary.

If you would like to speak to someone regarding your concerns, the Helpline are open in the morning at 9am, do give them a call if you can.

Best wishes.


Hi Deed

You def need to get it looked at but it can happen & may not be a sign of infection. I had my second op 4 weeks ago & mine is leaking & I have a small hole where the fluid is coming out. if the fluid is coming from internal weeping then they can fit a stoma bag or put a pressure dressing on to try to stop it & allow it to heal. DEF get this looked at - It can be sorted. I went to my OOH docs as mine actually burst & he fitted the stoma bag but a GP or your BCN should be able to sort this for you. They may give you anti biotics as a precaution - Mine did
DOn’t panic - I am sure it can get sorted for you to go away

Thanks to those that have replied. My gp prescribed me some antibiotics this afternoon although she says its not infected because the fluid is clear. The “hole” has got bigger and is now black! surely that means the skin has died?? Its about half an inch across and an inch and a half long!!!

Hi Deed

You need to get to see your surgeon asap. The wound may need debriding if it has black tissue there. Basically this means that you would probably have a small anaesthetic and they would cut away the dead bits of skin and resuture. If the skin is black it is probably dead and won’t heal up.

I know it sounds scary but I had this done on my mastectomy scar. But it was only the breast surgeon who realised the importance of the problem. When he saw it I found myself in theatre two hours later! After that the wound healed up nicely. I had no antibiotics.

Until the surgeon sees it you won’t really know what’s going on, what needs doing etc and you need that peace of mind.
take care, Elinda

Hi Deed
Don’t panic, but I agree with all the others, go to see your BCN ASAP. The Manuka honey on its own won’t clear the dead skin and muck that is now sitting on the surface and stopping the lower layers from healing. I had a similar problem and the nurses used honey impregnated dressings directly on the wound, then moisture absorbent dressings on top of the honey dressings. The dressings (both lots) were replaced every day at first, then two days, and so on, and each time the dressings were removed they took more of the surface nasty stuff away with them. Eventually (and I mean a few weeks not months) nice healthy tissue starts to grow from the underneath.
I must emphasise you can’t do this yourself, you need professional help - but it will heal!
Sarah x

Sorry i cant help but best wishes for your xmas wedding.

Hi Deed, sounds like you have exactly the same as happened to me when I first had my mx. Mine was infected with MRSA and the Doctors were more worried by that than the cancer itself.

If the area around the hole starts to go red mark it with a pen to see if an infection has started and get help immediately. My black hole smelt horrid and the stuff coming out of it burnt like hell. I had to have the district nurses coming in twice a day for a full 6 months to the day. They used the honey dressings and a variet of others.
Im not saying yours will become infected but keep on top of it and if you get the district nurses to dress it for you they will be a good back up for you.

In the end I had read about a drug used to heal infections on horses as well as humans to heal such infections, after 5and a half months of no improvement I felt I had nothing to lose and went to the health store shop to buy the MSM, miraculously the hole healed within the next 2 weeks, if it was the mSM I dont know but I believe it was.

Best of luck and dont sit back if there becomes any sign of infection straight back to the GP young lady

cheers Ann B x

hiya the exact same is happening to me now came out hosp and all looked great but woke up 1 morning and my bra was badly stained with blood went bk to ward and they said it was fine just fluid the drains haddent taken away, went to see surg on tue gave me a course of antibiotics, went last tue he cut away some dead skin and gave me more antibiotics, to go back on tue agin but the dead skin is bk when nurses were changing my dressings today had a wee peek (wish i hadnt) they said it will prob need more of the dead stuff taken away and to wait n see surg on tue. I had a good cry after they left. Is there anything ive done wrong have i caused this to happen im scared and somtimes get shooting pain through my boob so will be keeping an eye on this post for any ideas to help get this healed. Hope yours heals soon and gl for the wedding x

Hi, thanks for all the comments, I thought i would update you all - I went back to the womans health unit yesterday morning at the hospital and was then taken straight for surgery…The “black” was the implant coming through the scar!! It wasnt dead skin at all and i cant believe the nurse and my gp (who is apparently a breast specialist) missed it on Friday. If this had been left then eventually the implant would have fallen out of the wound - how scary woud that have been!!! Unfortunately the implant had to be removed and ive got yet another drain. I was soo upset at the time but at least now it will heal and i can get married without worrying. I will reconsider about the implant sometime next year, but seriously wondering if its worth all the trouble!!!


Deed - thanks for updating us, I was quite worried about you. I’m not surprised at what happened as I was actually sent home from A&E with a gaping hole in my chest and then went to my practice nurse for a dressing and even she didn’t say get back to the hospital. Like you I was rushed into surgery as soon as the surgeon saw it.

the good thing as you say is that it can now heal and you can look forward to getting married. You can make a decision about the implant later.
take care, Elinda

thanks for the update glad you got it sorted and gl for the wedding x