Xeloda capecitabine weight gain

Hello everybody
I have one more question about xeloda…
Does it make gain weight?
Also I read if you get hfs (hand foot syndrom) it work, but what if you don’t get it? Did somebody last long time on it without too much hfs?
I’m only in my second week of xeloda, tomorrow will be my first day without it…i’m so afraid and I hope it will work.
I’m also afraid of not getting enough hfs…so i will automatically think is not working.
Also i’m afraid of gaining weight, and it is not good for cancer patient…
Any experience will be valuable to me!
Yours or that you just eard about too…
Thank you! Best wishes to everybody!

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Hi Amel,
I am stage IV mets breast cancer in liver.
I’ve been on Xeloda since August. For the previous 4 months I was on Fluvestrant/ribociclib combo with mixed results & lots of side effects hence the switch to Xeloda.
I haven’t heard about you gaining weight on Xeloda and I don’t think getting hfs indicates its working. HFS is a negative side effect. Trust your scans & blood tests in how the cancer is responding to treatment.
I’m on my 3rd round of Xeloda, so far so good - main side effects just nausea, tiredness, sore joints.
I hope you can find peace in the process.


Thank you very much Carlycat for answering.
I also read about some people that was on it for years without too many side effects and good results, so hopefully we will be luky too!
Best wishes from Italy

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@Amel I found the. Capecitabine makes me feel sick so I have to make myself eat three meals a day. I would love to lose weight but if I don’t keep up the carbs I have no energy so I need to keep eating.
There will be time to lose weight when the cape is finished.
Best wishes

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Yes you are right, also it is better to eat than to loose too much weight.
Best wishes to you too, thank you for your answer!

I’m late to this party…. I’m 63 with liver and bone mets from lobular breast cancer. I’ve been on capecitabine since April this year. Scans and bloods improved quickly. I developed HFS after a couple of cycles - didn’t bother with foot care until then, and wish I had. Mainly on my feet, and can be horrendous. After four miles around Edinburgh every step felt like walking on acid. Have to limit walking to a mile or two at most. And I’ve gained a couple of kg since starting. Both this, and HFS are a sign of good response, but absence doesn’t mean it’s not working (I’m a breast cancer specialist doctor so I know a lot about the research)

I’m very frustrated about my walking being so limited but am going to the gym four times a week, following a programme from Canrehab (specialist cancer training)!Can send a link if anyone is interested


Hi Amel, Just to echo what others have said - everyone is different so don’t worry about not getting a certain side effect or not. I’m on 3rd cycle of Xeloda, first cycle my feed were so red and painful could hardly walk around the house, second cycle bit better and this time it’s fine. However, on advice of my nurses, I use Udderly Smooth cream on my feet and hands every day. Other symptoms have appeared e.g. skin rash, nausea, constipation then diarrhea. These are usual side effects and Dr has given me meds to treat if they get too bad. As for weight gain, I have to eat regularly for nausea and I find carbs help. Previously, I was on low carb diet. I am trying to eat less during week off Xeloda so am hoping this will help but not worrying too much as I’d rather be alive and a bit overweight. Take care x



Have you tried cycling rather than walking, I know it doesn’t put as much pressure on the feet so I’m hoping that if I do get HFS I’ll still be able to ride my e-bike. I start my first cycle of Capecitabine next week having just been told that palbo/fulvestrant has stopped working after 2 years, fingers crossed this works with little side effects for me.


I’m actually not on Capecitabine anymore, but your answer ca be useful for all the other members on this med.
I actually got 2 kilos on it, but as you say, not very relative in our situation, and I’m trying to get read of them now.
Capecitabine was very effective on me until it lasted, and that what’s important!


Hi Caz1960,
I hope you are still doing well.
I’d love the link to Canrehab, if you still have it. Xx