
Hi I’m due to start xeloda next tue at the moe we haven’t disscused scans se bla bla can u help with any advice and when do they norm scan u I’m on 2 wks on 1 wk off to start with depending on se I’m tn so v worried as my last chemo worked v well but it’s grown since last scan there was no other talk of chemos does anyone know if there are any more chemo to try as I was left feeling this was my last chance many thanks Laura

Hi Laura I’ll bump up the 2 main threads us on Xeloda have been using. I have a CT every 14-16 weeks.

Hello Laura,
I can’t answer your question about other chemos to try, but just wanted to let you know that I picked up my first lot of Xeloda this afternoon ready to start tomorrow morning. I will have 4 cycles initially, then they will scan me to see how it’s working. In terms of SE’s, they also gave me tablets for nausea and the runs, as well as a mouthwash for ulcers and sore mouth, digital thermometer to monitor my temperature and instructions to buy some E45 or aqueous cream to help with hand- foot syndrome. But they stressed that I may not need any of these.
I hope that Xeloda will be effective and kind to both of us and to anyone else about to start. Feel free to PM me if you want to “chat”.
Take care, Angelfalls xx

Hi anglefalls i start next tue wed after I’ve seen onc I’ve lung mets with a few nodes involved I’m also tn so not many chemos left for me so im hoping for a gd response on this to buy me some time no one as really spoke to me about se just to read paper and to go through it next wk will be happy to join u hope it works well for us both tc Laura

Other Xeloda/capecitabine threads:

“Xeloda - top tips”

Xeloda and the “week off”