
Has anyone experience of Xeloda? I am due my last (4th) dose of Epirubicin on Thursday and just wonder what I have ahead of me, when I start on Xeloda, for another 4 cycles…So far I’ve been very sick immediately after chemo, 'though pretty good after that. I know that everyone seems to have different symptoms and maybe it’s best not knowing?!! Any comments would be welcome…


Hello AliS,

I started my second lot of Xeloda yesterday. I didn’t fare too well on the Epi, very bad nausea and unfortunately this carried on with the Xeloda, i am trying some different anti-sickness drugs this time round, so far, so good.
One after effect of this drug they don’t warn you about is the constant runny nose, like you have a cold, i was given Piritin for this. You can also suffer with stomach cramps and "the runs " again tablets given to help this along with the dry skin and blisters that can appear on the soles of your feet.

The plus side is no more needles!!! I hope i haven’t scared you too much, let me know how you get on.


Hi, I am on my third cycle of Xeloda (Capecitabine) and am doing well on it. After the 4 cycles of Epirubicin anything would have been better as by the fourth cycle I couldnt do anything . It was a real struggle to get out of bed.
I have the dry skin on hands and feet but I cream them well and its not too much of a problem. And my hair is now growing back.
I am on arm 4 of the TACT2 trial.

Thanks for the feedback… I just had my final Epi on Thursday and for the first time, I didn’t throw up all night (only twice!! At 10pm and 9.30am!.. and at least I slept in between!) I just wish they’d got the meds right for the others… so onward to the Xeloda… different side-effects, but as you both said, must be better than injections… the veins on my left arm are protesting big-time!!

All the best for now,


You will feel so much better on Xeloda. I know there are still some side effects but they are nowhere near as bad. And except for the blood tests there are no more needes.

Forgot to say. I found iced water the best to combat any sickness.

HI Alis
im on my first lot of xeloda with just monday and tuesday to go before my 7 free days. I found the tablets fine no symptons at all altough apart from tiredness on epi i have been lucky all round. The plus sides are no more needles which gives the veins a rest as mine are still harden and sore and also my hair is growing back and last night i went for a meal with no bandana on and felt much better as it get so hot in them. I have a downy covering but all over so it looks ok.
Good luck to you and hope you are ok on xeloda