Yay, I've done it!

Hiya girls

Well after 14 blood tests, 12 cannulas, 35 gcsf injections and 6 looooooong months I have finally finished chemo!!! Appointment was for 11.30 this morning, but didn’t start it until 1.00pm, but hey who cares, it was my last one. Took some cream cakes in for the girls and some flowers for the chemo nurses and had a little bit of a party, loads of laughs (no wine though - drat). I can’t believe how quick this last 6 months have gone, so to all still going through it, hang on in there, it goes so fast. Have to go to Christies for rads planning next Thursday, asked if my tattoos could be dolphins or something tasteful, but sadly no, I have to have the obligatory dots - ah well.

Thanks to you all for your support over the last 6 months and if I can be of any help to any of you, just yell.

Good luck and lots of love

Julie xxx

Hi Julie So glad to hear you finished chemo I finished 3 weeks ago to-day I am still on a high I dont have to have Radiation as I was border line after my masectomy. I do have to take Arimadex for 5 years but who cares as long as it keeps me alive. I hope like me you will be celebrating to-night I celebrated for a week after mine I didnt have many side effects from the chemo. I am just waiting now to get back to work. I hope Rads go well for you Take Care Linda xx

Julie, it is a fantastic moment isnt it !! Well done. Great to read some good news from someone. I remember it well - just so lovely to know that you wont have anymore horrid needles/chemicals. Word of warning - dont under estimate the rads - it is fine compared to chemo but does make you tired , especially towards the end.

well done you,

Vez xx

Hi Julie

Congratulations !! I had my sixth chemo last Friday and have only got two more to go. The last one is August 31st and I can’t wait - its circled in bright red pen on the calender already ! I’ve still got a mastectomy ahead of me, and rads, but I don’t care - I’ll just be glad to see the back of this chemo !

Lots of love - can’t wait to be where you are now !

Julie xx

Well done julie for getting through. I finished mine 10 days ago and it really did feel like someone giving you your life back. When you look back you feel so proud of yourself and you realise how quick the time has gone. Enjoy the rest of a long and healthy life

wooooooohooooooooooo go you go you go you…start my rads next week, got my funky tattooooos so am all set…and i would like to add…being allowed to drink again…blooooming marvellous

As buttons said- wooooooohooooooo! I got my black dots yesterday and start rads on the 16th!

Hi Julie,

thats awesome news and I’m well pleased for you! Its so good to hear when people have finished their chemo, it reminds those of us that are currently going through it that there is a finishing line in sight! I am due to finish my E-CMF mid oct and it can’t come soon enough! Boy am I jealous of you right now!! LOL!!!

I hope your rads planning goes well, I’m sure I’ll be having mine before I know it! I wish you well for the rest of your treatment,

Congrats on getting through the chemo, not easy at times as I’m sure we all know only too well!,

Take care and let us know how rads go,



you are a star ***
you know- I know -you are-

Can I design those obligatory dots ?
lot of smiles for you
Nemo xx