Yearly check-ups?

Hello ladies


Do most of you have yearly checks at hospital in the breast unit post treatment?  When diagnosed in 2014 I was told I would have annual check ups in the breast clinic for 5 years but after last years appointment they wanted the next appointment in 2018.  That’s a long way off still.  It’s a chance to ask questions about medications etc and also just to get reassurance.  What do you think?  Don’t want to seem silly for wanting a yearly appointment if it’s not the norm! :open_mouth:


Thanks very much!





Well when I had my op I was told I would not have a mammogram for 18 months as that was the policy at my hospital, something to do with giving the breast chance to still down again.  I saw my onc 2 months after finihsing rads in March this year, he said he would see me in April next year which freaked me out so he is seeing me in August, however it is not for a mammogram, but I am comforted by the fact that I dont have to wait that long. Most of the ladies appear to have theirs annually though.





As per usual different hospital different approach!  I have been discharged and am on an open access arrangement this means if I have any concerns I can ring for an appointment.  I am booked for annual mammograms and anticipate receiving results through the post.  X

Well, I was referred back to the surgeon for 5 year follow-up, so yearly mammo, followed by an appointment with the surgeon (usually the surgical registrar) for examination & results. It certainly varies a bit.


I have yearly mammograms, plus I see the oncologist once a year too for the hormone therapy. They time it so that you are seeing someone every 6 months.

I think if you feel there’s an issue, you can talk to the BCN, or gp. Very difficult ,i know, to trust your own judgement ! Xx

After my second annual check in April this year I was discharged from the clinic and will have my remaining 3 yearly Mammograms in the local units in my area, I’ve not seen my oncologist since my initial diagnosis, they tell me it’s due to me having had tubular breast cancer which generally has a great prognosis but it’s a bit unnerving to know I’m not being followed up! Xx

Hi MM I was diagnosed in November  2014 and have had yearly mammograms since then I also have an appointment every year with my breast care nurse usually after the mammogram in November love Judi xxx

I think it very much depends on where you are… I had a lumpectomy followed by rads …no drugs ( risks outweigh benefits ) Just had my 2 year appointment… mammogram followed a few weeks later by a chat qith a breast care nurse…my understanding is that this will be anual until 10 years after surgery.