I had my first yearly Mammo in October of last year. I was waiting for a letter telling me to attend again sometime around October of this year. When nothing arrived I contacted my surgeons secretary who couldn’t understand why I hadn’t received it. After three phone calls, the one before last telling me that my surgeon has personally requested I be seen, I call again today, still having heard nothing.
Secretary was very confused by lack of communication, said she’d speak to my surgeon when he was out of the theatre this afternoon. She called me to say that the policy has now been changed and that I won’t be seen for another Mammogram until October 2011!!! It’s been stressful to keep on calling, thinking I’ve somehow slipped through the net, but now this change of policy with no notification!???
Anyone else had their yearly Mammos changed? If so were you informed of the change in policy?
Thanks, hope someone can shed some light for me, I’m feeling a bit paranoid here!
I was told I would have one every year until the 5 years remission ended (I then pass into the screening programme as I will be 50).
However, when it was time for the first one post diagnosis and chemo, the clinic was running way behind as they had all the women who had been referred via the screening programme in this area. I should have been seen in the October and I didn’t get seen until the January which really scared me. I also did not get to see my Consultant as he heads the clinic and only sees the new patients. Myself and some others complained to the breast care nurses about that as we felt you should see your own Doc for the first one before you get passed over to someone else. I have to attend a review clinic now which is outwith the regular breast clinic and I don’t mind as it’s on a different day and very quiet. I have an appointment next week, had my third post diagnosis mammo 3 weeks ago. If there is anything wrong on the pics they contact you to see you within a week.
Unless your diaease was picked up on a mammogram I wouldmn’t bother. Supposing you get a false negative? Why take the risk - ask for MRI as it’s the onloy way to get peace of mind in my opinion.
Thanks guys, think I’ll try to get an appt with my consultant and discuss it with him. It’s the last thing any of us need really, all this confusion and chasing up!