Yipee i got chemo

Sorry posted this in the wrong place first time

Dear All

Thanks for all your comments yesterday. Marilyn the rest and relaxation obviously worked, my bloods this morning were ok. So after a lot of hanging around i got my chemo. Never thought i would be glad about being poisoned and about to feel lousy, but i am. Now means scan and onc appointment next week can go ahead and i am now officially half way through.

Kelly hope your last chemo went well and you have a big celebration tonight. Have a large glass for me.

Take care all.



WOOHOO!!! well done Lesley - everything still on track

Hi Lesley,

well done you! I was thinking of you. Congrats on now being officially half way through, you’re doing really well. My last chemo went well, thanks for asking. I won’t be drinking for a few days but will be cracking open a boottle of bubbly pink stuff soon as I can. Takeaway for tea tonight though, my treat!!

Take care and may our side effects be minimal,


Well done Lesley and well done Kelly.

You must be so relieved!

Cecelia. x

Well done!!! Nice to be on schedule and get all this behind us!!!

Best wishes,