Young and struggling... First post

Thanks for the tips :relaxed: I’ve just gotten my appointment through for results on the 8th April but I’m a bit confused as my bcn told me I’d always get my results on a Monday and seen by the oncologist on a Thursday, think I’ll give her a call. My son will be 4 in may and I find it hard trying to come up with a cool story as to what’s going on, he’s very switched on as well. Do you know if your bc is hereditary if your mum had it? Only my gran had it, she was 53 and sadly was seen too late so I never really got to meet her. I think it’s scary not knowing what the future holds but there’s so many women out there who have gotten through it. I have a friend who was diagnosed at 23/24 stage 3c triple neg and she’s amazing, you wouldn’t think she’s been through so much. I love massages so it’ll be something nice to look forward to, I went to get reflexology last month and was told I couldn’t have it because of the cancer and I was also pregnant at the time, I think heard from someone that you can get reflexology through the hospital. Hope so anyway xx

Hey my nephew has just turned 4 and really switched on he was listening to people taking and asked me if I was going to die and he didn’t want me to. So I just told him the truth in child terms Iv never used the word cancer with any of the children in my close family as I think it frightens them. U will find the words (hug)! Think the losing hair thing is a good one to get out he way!
Yh is so scary for what the further holds, my mum had it survived caught really early only had to have double mastectomy. Auntie had it went into remission then it came back in the skin and went to her great aunt had it also and died before I was born and my nan had it and died before I was born she also has something in her leg aswell. They were all diagnosed under 45! Im the youngest so far I’m braca negative!! Thankfully! But they think we may have a gene they haven’t discovered yet so they want me to use me! I my sis has just turn 27 so I’m worried about her now!
Ul be pleased to know that they offer reflex at the hospital I go to so I imagine they will have it at urs!
Finger crossed for you results!! Yh give them a call settle ur mind!
I know a lady triple negative 12 years on still going strong!!
Where are u based? I’m in Coventry xx

I’ve actually just been in to see said friend who is also a hairdresser as she’s going to be cutting all my hair off for me, got that booked in for the 19th April, I haven’t had my hair cut in about 5 months but if it’s in not too bad condition I was going to donate it. Phoned my bcn and she said because Monday the 4th is a bank holiday im being seen the friday… now just have to keep myself busy til then. I’m up in a tiny village called crail in Scotland it’s the sort of place where you don’t need to leave the house for people to know everything about your life! Are we allowed to exchange emails on here? Xx

My hair fell out after fully after second cycle, an I must say the most distressing part of it all was so glad I had it cut into a pixie crop then I skinned it could cope wit watching it come out. But with time u get used to it and it’s so much quicker to get ready for to be an up side hey!! That’s so good of u to donate!! Says we can privately exchange emails but I can’t find the envolope thing to do it?? It’s funny isn’t it the moment you get something wrong with u people you haven’t spoke to for years want to know everything about you nosey buggers!!
Keep my fingers crossed for you for Friday xxx

I’ve just sent you a private message xx

Hi tassha no no reconstruction as they want me healed ASAP to start chemo a few weeks after. Like you, I have been told I will lose all my hair first cycle so I have really long hair I’ve been to see a wig guy and he was just amazing. I’m gonna shave it off before chemo. That will be the only thing that’s going to upset me. The bug thing is my main concern about chemo too, I have a 3 year old and a six month old. The six month old in particular is always full of some kind of bug! But my mum has taken time off work to take them when my counts r at lowest. X

Hey Kirsty, Yh I think they may tell me I have to wait for re con if I need radio as it can do something to the implants!!
I would say losing my hair was the worst part I thought i had prepared myself but turns out nothing gets you ready for it just have to be strong and hold your own! I have a wig it’s lovely just like my hair before haven’t worn it those as I have found scarves so easy to wear. I’m around kids a lot and I haven’t picked up to much think age is on our side with the side effects xx

Yeah once I find a wig I love I’m shaving my head before Chemo. I’ve known that since the second I’ve been told I had cancer. Yeah the surgeon said the radio can affect the look of the reconstruction also so that will be after all treatment. Luckily I’m so flat chested noone will notice anyway!!! That’s good to know you haven’t picked up too much. I do not want to spend any more time in hospital than absolutely necessary I hate it! For the girls with no kids, I’d Def ask about getting eggs frozen just incase. I wasn’t sure if I was finished having a family, I’ve two young girls, but that word came and I knew instantly my family was complete. X

Cara where do you go for treatment if your in Crail? Is it the Queen Margaret / Vic / or nine Wells? X

Hi Kirsty I go up to ninewells, so far I can’t fault them they have been so supportive since my consultation. Have you heard of crail? X