Young breastfeeding mum found a lump

Hi Everyone

My name is Helen, I am 30 years old and have an 11 week old son. I found a lump in my left breast this week, at first I thought it was properly nothing to worry about but went to see my GP a couple of days later anyway. She said it could be a cyst but has reffered me to a breast clinic to get it checked. We have private health care through my husbands work so have an appointment for Monday afternoon.

I am so scared. My mum died of overian cancer, my gran of breast cancer and my aunt has just finished treatment for breast cancer. Now that its sunk in that I have “a lump” I cant really believe it could be anything other than cancer with my family history.

I keep looking at my baby and crying - the thought of not being there for him is more than I can take.

Then of course I keep telling myself to calm down and at least wait to see what the breast clinic says!

This seems a really good supportive site, good to get it down on paper so to speak! Have told my husband but not mentioning it to anyone else till we know eaither way. I can’t believe I am having to contemplate cancer less than 3 mths after giving birth! I just pray to God that its ok.

Best wishes and hope to all!
Helen xxx

Hi Helen and welcome to the BCC forums,

I am sure some of the other forum users will be along soon to offer you support and advice. While you are waiting you may find it useful to have a look at the BCC booklet on referral to a breast clinic. It can be found by following the link below:-

Please also use the helpline for further support and a ‘listening ear’ if you feel this would help, the helpline number is 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

I hope this is helpful to you Helen.

Best wishes

Hi Helen

So sorry you have had to visit us here on the forums. I understand your fear given the family history - I also had a family history so when I found my lump I immediately thought cancer. However, my older sister has had seeveral lumps over the past 5 years or so and every one hs turned out to be a cyst - some small and some fiarly large, so all is not lost, even with a family history it is not a done deal that your lump will be cancer.

I would also say that although my lump did turn out to be cancer it was caught in the early stages and as such my treatment plan was not so vicious as I first thought it would be - I had the lump removed along with some of the lymph nodes, no chemo as my nodes were clear and then 29 sessions of radiotherapy. My lump was discovered in January and the rads finished at the end of April - I am currently 5 months into a 5 year plan of hormone treatment but my prognosis is very good. All in all I’ve had a fairly easy time of things considering it was cancer.

Good luck with the appointment on Monday - please let us know how you get on.

Hi Helen
Please try not to worry. I have six children and breastfed all of them. With three of them I too discovered a lump and with one it turned into mastitis the other two just went away eventually It was always in the same place and same boob. Perhaps a call to your health visitor would be an idea, they have far more to do with breastfeeding and maybe able to put your mind at rest.
Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Chrissie xxxx

Hey Helen,
Well done for being so aware of your body and being sensible enough to have it checked asap…
I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about as we all get lots of lumps whilst breastfeeding.
Keep us updated and stay smiling for the sake of your tiny baby…Stressed mummys mean stressed babies!!
Lots of Love

hi helen
i wish u well with all your tests and hope they are all good news. ps look at that lovely baby of yours and laugh and cuddle him.
best wishes and i will keep u in my prayers

Hi Helen

It’s not always the best thing to say to someone that I know how you feel, but I do know a little bit about how you feel. I found a lump under my arm when my baby was 2 weeks old and I was breastfeeding and it was the scariest time imaginable -your hormones are all over the place, you’re tired, it’s supposed to be a ‘happy’ time and so I was very reluctant to do anything about it. I only told my husband too and didn’t want to go to any of the appts we booked up, but I did.

I remember crying and crying over my baby as I fed him at the thought that I might have cancer.

Unfortunately, I did have breast cancer. I have no family history, I was 37 then and no rist factors at all so it was a big big shock.

This was a year ago and I’ve nearly completed my treatment and have had the hardest year but I’m feeling so well and so full of energy and can play with my boys again and am enjoying every minute. I’ve been on 4 holidays since I finished the main intensive treatment -making up for the lost time! I thank my little boy (he’s 13 months old now) for helping me find the cancer, I wouldn’t have known about it for a long time if it wasn’t for him.

I wasn’t sure whether to answer your post as your lump could be loads of other things especially as you’re breastfeeding and there’s no way to know without the test results. But, if you want someone to talk to while you’re waiting for your results, I might be able to help as I’ve been in that situation. Don’t let anyone fob you off just because you’re breastfeeding though (I lost 2 weeks because of that) -make sure you get all the tests you want.

I’ll be thinking of you on Monday

Let us know how things go


thinking of you hun …try not to worry, you get yourself checked out hun …

sal x

Thanks eveyone for all your lovely comments - and thanks to those who shared their stories. You feel very alone dont you when you find a lump, so its good to hear from people who have been through a similar thing (although, of course I would rather no one ever had to go through this!).

Hannah thank you for sharing your story - its good to hear that although you have had a really hard time, that now you are now really enjoying life with your boys.

Thanks again everyone, I will update after my appointment on Monday

Helen xx

Everything crossed for you tomorrow.
Chrissie xxxxx

Thinking of you today Helen.

I had a huge lump when breastfeeding which turned out to be a galactocoel (spelling?!) - a collection of milk that just stays put, no mastitis, no abscess. I had it drained and I was fine and continued to breastfeed for another 2 years.

One good thing was, it did make me very breast aware - more than even my mum’s bc did. So when I found changes in my breast this year I was hot off the mark and at that clinic if a flash. This time, I DO have bc - but I 'm hoping that being so aware will have saved my life!

Let us know how you get on - we are here for support, whatever results you get.

Love Td x

Hi Helen

I know you don’t have your appointment until Monday but this can really be the worst time, waiting. I thought I’d check in with you to see how you are and to let you know that I had my first follow up mammogram yesterday (which happened to be the anniversary of my diagnosis) … and it was all clear. It was so nice to hear good news for a change and made all the horrible treatment worth it, and I’ve made some lovely friends along the way (and got rid of some crap ones!!!)

Anyway, wanted to check in with you -hope you’re doing ok. Let me know how you get on on Monday -we’re off to France for two weeks on Tuesday so won’t have any internet so if I don’t reply, that’s why. I am thinking of you and hoping everything is ok and normal.

I’ll check this post every day just in case.

Take care


PS only let them do a mammogram if they feel it’s ABSOLUTELY necessary -it’s very very painful when you’re breastfeeding and milk squirts everywhere which is really upsetting. They can do other tests like Fine Needle Aspiration, Ultrasound or Biopsy. I don’t think they needed to do my mammogram and it’s a horrible memory for me. Anyway, check it out if it needs to be done or not.

Hi Hannah,

Helen has replied under a thread titled ‘Good News’ - dates must have got mixed up somewhere along the line but I didn’t want you to go away worrying. Enjoy your hols. Love xxx

Good Luck to you.

Keeping everything crossed for you.


Just got to say i had mammo when b/feeding and it didn’t hurt a bit!! And i’m a wimp too…xx…