Young children

I have just turned 40 and have 2 children. (3&10) . 
I have just had a masectomy and full node clearance.
I do find it very hard to keep positive around the kids and you never get a moment’s peace! Everyone says take it easy but that’s not always possible with a 3 year old!!
I am worried how i will manage when i start chemo. Friends and family have been very supportive but they can’t help everyday getting kids to school etc.
Would love to chat with someone in a similar boat 
Kate xx

Hi Kate,

Thank you for your message and apologies that you haven’t received a reply yet. In the meantime, you might like to chat directly with our breast care nurses about any questions or concerns you may have on our free Helpline, 0808 800 6000, which is open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm and Saturday from 9am and 1pm.

Wishing you all the very best,



im 34. I have 3 children 9, 3 and 2. I was supposed to have mastectomy and full node clearance however it was pulled and I’ve star Ed my chemo first. I’m having 3 x ec and then 3 x docetaxal. I am 12 days into my first cycle and I feel okay. I’m more tired than normal at the end of the day and I have only had 2 bad days one of vomiting and severed tiredness followed by the next of nausea but stronger anti sickness helped. I too have my moments of just wondering how I’m going to cope as my two little ones are just none stop. Chemo is okay but you need to rest and make others take the day to day slack. My husband now works from home whilst I’m having treatment does the school and nursery run and some days picks them and my mum and mil help too, 


if if you want to chat message me xxx

Hi Kate


I’ve got three kids (8, 2 and just turned 1) and have recently finished chemo. Being busy has been great at times for taking your mind off things but you also need to make sure you rest when you need to. The first ten days after treatment were when I needed help the most and my partner worked from home so he could do the school/nursery run. We also put the little ones in nursery full time for the first week - nursery and pre/after school have all been fantastic so it’s worth letting everyone know what’s going on. Once the ten days had passed I was pretty much able to start doing the usual things again. The only major hurdles we had with chemo were trips to the hospital when my temp spiked - we needed to get there quickly so we luckily had a family member on stand by.


Avoiding germs when you have kids is easier said than done but they can manage your low immunity with neutrophil boosting jabs so don’t worry too much about it. Chemo is not easy but you will get through it x 

Hi Kate

I hope you don’t mind, I wondered how you are getting on? I’m booked in for a mastectomy and node clearance next month and chemo will follow. I have 2 young children (5 and 9)

How did your 10 year old process it all and did you find they adjusted to the changes in routine well?

Hope your healing well and any advice on how to get through the couple of months would be greatly appreciated x x