Young women (under 45) in Edinburgh meeting in town soon!

Hi there,
Are there any young women (under 45) with or without children in Edinburgh or surrounds who would like to meet up? Three of us have already had a little meeting in town and we’re organising another meet-up next week in the evening or the week after during the day. All women are welcome but I’m particularly keen to meet women with young kids who’ve had a mastectomy. But as I say, all welcome!!

Linda x

I’ve just recently moved to Penicuik. I am 36 and had a bilateral mastectomy last year. I have 3 children aged 5 and under.
I would be really keen to meet up with others in a similar situation.
Jill x

Hi Jill,
There are a few of us in and around Edinburgh. Go to my post in the ‘younger women’ forum to find out about our latest meeting. Otherwise I shall keep you up to date on this forum.
Hope to meet up with you soon!
Linda x

Hi Jill,
I’ve just posted a message on the younger women forum about meeting up next week at 11am at Oloroso either Mon, Tues, or Weds and am just waiting to see if anyone can make it.
Linda x