Younger Women North Wales Area

I am 4 years past diagnoses now - Diagnosed at 34, now 38 - 3 years post treatment (surgery x 3, chemo, and radiotherapy. Currently just on tamoxifen.

I have been thinking for a long time about trying to start a younger women’s group in the North Wales Area ( I live in Llandudno). This is for women who are past treatment and currently undergoing treatment. Sometimes, it is not always possible to talk to your partner, or family about what you are going through. Personally I found that my partner didnt listen.

The general idea is to maybe try and meet informally one a month and meet other women who are past treatment or undergoing treatment. I found when I was going through breast cancer that it helped talking to other women and picking up tips. Other than that we can just meet and discuss other topics which doesnt even have to involve breast cancer.

If there is anyone who is interested, or anyone else who would like to get involved in trying to get the group off the ground then please let me know.

Many thanks

Julie (aka Paulie)